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The Top 10 Reasons I’m a Bad Mom

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As parents and being human in general, it’s in our nature to judge others. I know I am guilty of it and I am sure you are too. I don’t always agree with the way other people parent their kids, BUT I would never insult them or criticize them over it. I am a firm believer in the saying “To each their own”. Different parenting styles work for different families and that’s what makes us all different.

Recently a fellow Blogger posted a picture on Facebook and the original photo got a lot of criticism from parents. Well I am here to tell you why I am a BAD mom, according to others.

1. My son is circumcised. – There is so much controversy over circumcision and I really don’t see anything wrong with it. If I had another son I would do it again. I think it’s each parents choice on if they want to do it or not and no one should bully them because they chose to do it or not.

2. My son lives with his dad in California. – When I found out my husband and I were moving to Colorado I talked to my son and his dad about how we would handle the situation. I asked my son where he wanted to be and he wanted to stay in Ca. I was ok with that because I didn’t feel right taking him away from all of his family. My family and his dads family are all in CA. If he was to come to Colorado the only people he would have is my husband and I. I didn’t think it was fair to take him away from everyone and everything he knew. I thought friends and family would be more supportive over our decision, but instead I have been met with nothing but criticism since moving. Even people I don’t know have made snide remarks or comments and family has called me a bad mother…

3. My toddler has no schedule. She generally goes to bed after 11pm and wakes up around 9-10am. This works for us since my husband gets off work late and she wants to see him when he gets home.

4. I laugh when my kids fall, unless they are seriously hurt. I’ve learned that freaking out if your kid falls only freaks the kid out more, so I laugh. 9 times out of 10 my kids will whine for a minute and then go about their business. I’ve been given dirty looks for telling my toddler to “walk it off” at the park…

5. I didn’t breastfeed my son & my daughter was combo fed. When I had my son I couldn’t make it past the sore, cracked, and bleeding nipples, so after a week I gave up breastfeeding and went with formula. When I had my daughter I pumped and bottle fed her for 5 months. There was some formula mixed in at times, but at around 5 months I stopped pumping and went to strictly formula.

6. I Spank my kids. Now let me be clear here, I said spank. Not beat. An occasional swat on the butt or hand, but nothing that would ever hurt them.

7. My kids eat fast food, fruit snacks, drink juice, and various other “bad” foods. Plus, I don’t always make a homemade deal. Sometimes it’s something boxed, frozen, or takeout. They also eat plenty of good foods so it balances its self out.

8. I vaccinate and both kids have had all their shots, plus some flu shots.

9. My toddler watches TV as much as she wants and Nick Jr is always on, even if it’s just background noise.

10. My son went to daycare while I worked.

What makes you a “Bad” Parent?

*This post was meant to be sarcastic. I respect everyone’s parenting choices and think you should do what is best for YOUR family!

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