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Breakfast on the Go with Safeway #BreakfastSavings

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I know most of you are bust moms on the go, right? I know in our home there are certain days of the week where we get up and have to go out the door, so a quick, but healthy breakfast is a must. On those mornings I’ll pop a waffle in the toaster or grab a granola bar for the toddler and she can eat while in the car and the same goes with me. There are just days where some quick and easy breakfast items are a must!

#BreakfastSavings Safeway

I’ve talked about my love for Safeway before. It’s one of my favorite stores to shop at because they double coupons, have great sales, and I can use their app to maximize my savings. Right now Safeway and it’s affiliate stores are running a Buy 4 Save $4 promotion on select breakfast items from Kellogg’s, Nature Valley, Actvia, and many more brands. When you buy 4 of the participating items and swipe your club card at the register they will take $4 off your grocery bill. How cool is that? Not one to miss a good sale AND the fact that we were low on “on the go” breakfast items I hit up my local Safeway to take part in this fabulous deal and I saved some money in the process. This makes for a happy me!

#breakfast Savings

The store had these big signs letting you know about the deal and select items also had the promotion listed on their yellow tag. I picked up some nutrigrain bars, activia yogurt (my absolute fav), special K cereal bars, and nature valley bars since they’re all fairly healthy and great for grabbing and going. You can see more in my Google+ Story.

Breakfast on the go

The toddler usually gets a nutrigrain bar and some sort of fruit. I love the squeezable fruit packs (not included in deal) since she can drink from them and they aren’t messy and as for me, a special K bar and yogurt or fruit works. Everything is delicious and did I mention on the go friendly??

On the go breakfast

But don’t take my word for it. This girl will tell you how much she loves her nutrigrain bars!

The next time you’re shopping at your local Safeway (or affiliate store), look for the Buy 4 Save $4 signs and stock up on some breakfast items! Kellogg’s is one of the big brands in this promotion and I can see why, since they have their Share Breakfast initiative going on.

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias®  and Safeway #cbias #SocialFabric

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