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Free Printable: PE Activities for Kids to do Daily

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Looking for ways to keep your kid’s active while at home? Here are 10 PE activities for kids to do daily that are kid-friendly, easy, and will get them active during remote learning.

One of the things my kids love about school is their special classes. Art, Music, and PE. Now that we’re remote learning and home schooling for the rest of the school year I am trying to bring school home. That means getting them active, in a safe way. Since we have a stay at home order in place in Colorado our active adventures for the kids have been in our backyard, but I know not everyone has a yard for their kids to play in. Parks are closed and it can be hard to get active, especially if you’re working from home.

If you’re looking for a daily schedule for kids check out my COVID-19 Daily Schedule for Kids while Home.

To encourage the kids to get active we have this 10 a Day printable where they have 10 exercises they can do in the house or in the yard. They’re easy exercises and perfect for kids.

Free PE Activities Printable for Kids
10 PE activities for kids to do daily

10 Exercises for Kids to do at Home

Kid friendly exercises for kids to do at home include:

  1. Dance Moves
  2. Sit Ups
  3. Karate Kicks
  4. Push Ups
  5. Jumping Jacks
  6. Frog Jumps
  7. Toe Touches
  8. Arm Circles
  9. Bunny Hops
  10. High Knees

These exercises aren’t just for kids. Parents can jump in too and they make for a quick break to get you moving if you’re working from home and sitting all day.


Free PE Activities Printable for Kids

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