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Breast Cancer Awareness with Philips Healthcare! #PhilipsBCA

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This is a sponsored post on behalf of Philips Healthcare.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and chances are there is someone in your family, circle of friends, or co-workers who has been affected by this disease. Each year thousands of woman of ALL ages will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer and Philips Healthcare is striving to give woman early detection, support they need, and to raise awareness about this disease. And did you know that a single breast exam or mammogram can give you the detection you need to fight this disease before it reaches a critical state? A single image can change a woman’s life and Philips offers a complete family of advanced imaging systems to help deliver quality care at every stage of life. Their imaging solutions give the complete picture, helping make diagnoses, less invasive therapy and personalized care a reality for every woman. For example, Philips’ MicroDose Mammography delivers high-quality breast images at a low radiation dose. MicroDose Mammography is also designed to provide a less stressful mammography experience.

Facts About Breast Cancer: (provided from Philips Healthcare)

  • Each year, nearly 1.4 million women are diagnosed with breast cancer. (Source: GLOBOCAN 2008)
  • Breast cancer is more common in post-menopausal women; however, people of any age can get breast cancer. Women under the age of 50, make up 25% of breast cancer cases. (source : Breast Cancer Society)
  • It is possible to pinpoint risk factors, i.e. inherited gene mutations, family history, and then makes lifestyle changes that reduce risks. However, breast cancer is not preventable and largely occurs by chance. Around 70% of women diagnosed with breast cancer did not possess identifiable risk factors. (source : Breast Cancer Society)
  • Mammography is the most effective method of early detection. Studies show that mammograms can spot tumors up to three years before they might be detectable by feel, greatly improving the prognosis. Early detection of breast cancer also means a wider range of treatment options, including less aggressive surgery and adjuvant therapy (source : Breast Cancer Society)
  • When detected early, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer is 98 percent
  • Mammograms can spot tumors up to two years before you can feel them. Or that when detected early, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer is 98 percent (American Cancer Society)
  • Despite these facts – only half of U.S. women ages 40 and older got an annual mammogram last year (Medco Health Solutions Inc.)

Philips takes action to fight breast cancer:

In 2013, Philips continues to support Breast Cancer Awareness through its global, multi-year program and 2013 marks the second year of Philips’ long-term commitment to improving the lives of people around the world by supporting Breast Cancer Awareness. Through its support of Breast Cancer Awareness, Philips wants to raise awareness for the importance of early detection by facilitating free testing to women and support ground-breaking international research through donations. Building on the technology, expertise and passion across its three sectors – Healthcare, Lighting and Consumer Lifestyle – Philips hopes to add meaningful and sustainable value to the cause and help drive the fight against breast cancer. As a part of Philips global campaign, Philips is:

  • Illuminating landmarks Pink around the world.
  • Raising money for breast cancer research.
  • Facilitating discussions around the theme of breast cancer prevention with the importance of early detection and the importance of low dose mammography screening technology.

Some of the most popular reasons why women put off getting a mammography are:

  • “I’m concerned it will hurt.”
  • “I’m worried about radiation.”
  • “Breast cancer doesn’t run in my family.”
  • “I don’t want to get bad news.”
  • “I’m just too busy.”

I’ve heard woman use these excuses and I can even understand some of them, such as being busy, but making the time to visit the Dr is worth it in the long run. You never know what that outcome can be and taking the proper precautions could just save your life! So what are you doing to help raise awareness of Breast Cancer? Are you getting your annual breast exams and mammograms?

For more information on what Philips Healthcare is doing to raise Breast Cancer Awareness and about their mammogram machines visit:

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Tuesday 22nd of October 2013

I would donate to our local food bank

Jenna D

Tuesday 22nd of October 2013

I would give this gift card to my sister, she's a poor college student.

Rebecca Xavier

Sunday 20th of October 2013

I would use it to buy groceries for a needy family.


Sunday 20th of October 2013

I would use it to help my sister. She is a stay at home mom to 2 kids in diapers and her husband just got laid off

Christina Howell

Saturday 19th of October 2013

I would use it to help make my family and friends Christmas really special.

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