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5 Tips for Staying on Track With Your Diet + My Final Week of Weight Watchers #SimpleStart

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I was given a free one month subscription to Weight Watchers to try their new Simple Start plan and write about my experience.  Though I was compensated for my time and commitment, all views, positive and negative, are my own.

I can’t believe that my 2 weeks on the Weight Watchers Simple Start program is over. I can’t say enough good things about the program and how easy it is to use and I recommend it for anyone that is looking for an easy program to follow. I’m not one of the healthiest eaters normally and a main reason for that is I wait until I’m starving to eat and then grab the first thing I can find and scarf it down, a lot of times it’s from a drive through or some kind of delivery. Doing the Simple Start program really puts your diet into perspective and you really become aware of what you’re putting into your body and whether it’s good or not. I’m still adapting to having a new (fussy) baby in the house (is 2 months old even new? please say yes, because I can’t believe it’s been 2 months already!) and balancing life with another little person to take care of. It’s really been a struggle, but I’ve found these tips to be helpful!

5 tips to keep diet on track

1. Meal Plan – I was never much of a meal planner before William arrived. I always thought it sounded like a good idea, but I never took the time to sit down and do it. Now it’s something I think every busy mom should do because it makes life so much easier! Spend a few minutes going through the app, a cookbook, or even your meals board on pinterest and pick out meals you want to make for the week and create a grocery list. Another convenient thing about the Simple Start app is that you don’t have to use their meals. You can go in and build your own meal and use that instead.

2. Meal Prep – This is a major thing for me since I always wait to long to eat. Start the week prepping all your meals. Dedicate an hour or 2 on Sunday to meal prep. Put together breakfasts and lunches for the week, wash and prep veggies, and throw together snacks. Having meals already ready for you to eat will cut down on you eating bad foods and having healthy snacks like fruit, yogurt, and popcorn will cut down on you reaching for something bad. This comes in handy for me since when I wake up I have to feed little man, get the toddler some cereal and then pump. If I have something I can easily grab and eat while I pump I’m more likely to eat breakfast vs. if I don’t, then I won’t eat.

3. Drink lots of Water – Water is key to being healthy in general. I like my water ice cold and I’ll drink lots of it this way and when I want to switch things up I’ll whip up some lemon water or fruit water. I know not everyone likes drinking water and by adding fruit or some lemon it gives boring water some flavor and then you’ll want to drink more!

4. Indulge a little – Yeah I said it, INDULGE! With the Simple Start program you get 7 points per day to burn on indulgences such as a chocolate, real butter, or whatever indulgence you choose. I’m a firm believer in if you’re craving something, eat it, but just remember to have a smaller portion and limit how much of it you actually eat. By ignoring the craving you’re only making your body want it more.

5. Start Small – if you do too much at once you’re only going to set yourself up for failure, since you’ll end up overwhelmed. Trust me, I’ve been there. Make a list of things you want to do and each week tackle a new item. Want to give up soda? Each day drink less and less soda, trade if for things like naturally flavored water or plain iced tea. The next week tackle another item. Start small and work your way up. Small changes tend to last longer with the right mind set.

weight watchers zero point vegetables
If you’re doing the Weight Watcher program don’t forget about the Zero point foods! You can eat as many as you want to help you stay filled up!

This plan has been just what I needed to get back on track. As a busy mom I can’t say enough good things it. It offers food I can also serve to my family and they like it! And did I mention it’s easy to use? Because really it is. I fell off the wagon for a few days this last week because I was in bed with the death cold, but I’m starting to feel like a functioning adult again and jumping right back in. Did I mention the best part of the program is the indulgences? You can’t hate a program that allows you to eat chocolate, have wine, or enjoy some cheese on that burger!

What things have you done to get healthier this year? Any tips you’d like to share?

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Michael Anderson

Saturday 2nd of August 2014

Glad to hear Weight Watchers is working well for you - my wife did it 10 years ago and our whole family changed how we ate and approached food. There are some things I didn't like (the push for 'fat free' foods loaded with fillers and HFCS), but the general approach to KNOW what you are putting into your body is so awesome and empowering! It makes it not so much about 'dieting' but about a wholesale lifestyle change. You CAN eat everything you want - but you need to find balance and understand portions and moderation.

Tiffany Schmidt

Thursday 27th of February 2014

Those tips are great, and easy to follow. I always keep a big glass of water at my desk. So if I get that lull, become bored and would usually grab a snack, I drink more water!!

Jenna Em

Monday 10th of February 2014

Thanks for the list of zero point veggies! Yay, my dinner was close to zero points last night as it was a veggie stir fry with onions, zucchini, mushrooms, and carrots!

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