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What’s in My Kids Picnic Basket!

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Picnic basket

National Picnic Day is April 23rd and I thought it would be fun to take the kids on a picnic. We’ve been cooped up in the house a lot lately and it’s always nice to get out in the sunshine, enjoy the fresh air, eat some yummy food, and play. First we needed to get some picnic basket supplies, so we headed to our local Sprouts where the kids could pick out our lunch. Sprouts instantly became one of my favorite places to shop for groceries when we moved to Colorado due to their great selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, and deli items. When we moved to Colorado I found that the product just wasn’t as fresh as when we were in California, but then I stumbled into a Sprouts one day and have been going back ever since. They’re high quality items, friendly staff, and low price keep bringing me back for more. With locations throughout the Denver metro area, they make shopping for quality, fresh ingredients easy.

Kids Picnic Basket

I had an idea of what my kids would pick for our picnic, but I let them loose in Sprouts and asked them to pick out some items for our picnic. Our first stop was to the bakery/deli area where they picked out cheese, salami, pepperoni, and crackers. They grabbed a bag of kettle corn and a picnic cake for dessert and we headed over to the produce section where they picked up apples and grapes. Their next stop was the drink aisle for some juice boxes and they were done. As for me, I grabbed some olives out of the olive bar to enjoy with the food the kids picked out and grabbed some eco-friendly paper plates.

William Picnic
picnic flowers
My kids love eating what I call grab plates. They’re plates with a variety of finger foods that they can just grab and eat. We often have them for lunches on the weekends and they have things like meat, cheese, crackers or bread, fruit, and veggies. While they’re great at home, they are perfect for picnics and it’s exactly the items my kids picked for our picnic lunch.

Blowing Bubbles - Copy
Bubble Blowing
Picnic Cake
We headed home where I got everything together. Then we headed outside where the kids feasted on their lunch and they played with bubbles. We had popcorn and cake in celebration of our daughters birthday this week and it was so much fun eating under the warm sunshine. Picnic’s are always a nice way to relax and spend some time together. It’s just what we needed to kick off our family vacation week coming up.

What are you favorite items in a picnic lunch?

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Friday 6th of May 2016

Looks like a beautiful day for a picnic. We love doing fun outings like this too with the kids. Kids love finger foods.

Denver Date Nite

Wednesday 4th of May 2016

I love the prepared finger foods from Sprouts too! We love experimenting with different locations for picnics too. Their favorite is Belleview Park - they have the petting zoo and train rides for $1.50 and a little river they can wade in.

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