An Easter Bunny candy bouquet is a bouquet of Easter chocolate, Easter Candy, and Easter snacks made into a fun candy arrangement. You can easily make your own candy bouquet with a few simple supplies from Dollar Tree, Target, or Walmart. Why pay for candy bouquet delivery when you can make your own! Come learn how to make this candy easter basket!
This year I am turning my kid’s Easter baskets into Easter Bunny Candy Bouquet baskets. The Easter basket is made with boxes of candy and then is filled with different Easter candy, snacks, Easter grass, and fun additions like easter picks or gift cards!
Easter Bunny Candy Bouquet
While a candy bouquet might look hard it’s so easy to put together and they’re pretty affordable to put together. You can find all the supplies you need at Dollar Tree, Walmart, and Target, and a lot of the candy and snacks are $1-2 so it’s not expensive to fill up your Easter bouquet basket. You can easily put together your easter candy bouquet for $15-$20.
What is a Candy Bouquet?
A candy bouquet is candy or snacks turned into a bouquet. It’s generally placed into a vase, cup, or basket. It’s similar to a bouquet of flowers, but with candy and snacks instead.
What to add to a Candy Bouquet
You can add any candy or snacks to your candy bouquets. It’s easier to add items in smaller/individual packages. Boxes and tins get a little tricky, so stick to lightweight items and plastic packaging.
- Goldfish Crackers
- Beef Jerky
- Small bags of nuts or trail mix
- Ring Pops or Lollipops
- Fun sized candy
- Candy bars, any size
- Chips, snack size bags
- Small pack of Peeps or Peeps on a stick
- Small bottle of bubbles
- Gift Card
- Hair bows
- Hot Wheels Cars
- Smaller sized blind bag toys
- Pop Rocks
- Cotton Candy Cones or Small Bags
- Pez
- Fun Dip
- Jelly Beans, small individual sized boxes
- Mini Size Playdoh
- Bubble Gum
- Sugar Cookies
- Snack Cakes
How to Make an Easter Candy Bouquet
To make your Easter candy bouquet you are going to need the following items and supplies. When picking out items for my kid’s candy bouquet baskets I went to Target and Walmart and browsed through the back wall of the Easter section. In both stores, they have the easter basket filler items and they have a lot of snacks and candy for $1. For items that were used as fillers and all the kids liked I got the fun-sized packs which are $3-4. For the dollar store I went to the snack and candy section and picked out a few items, but since the price increase, Dollar Tree is not cheaper anymore so I only got a few items there of small snack items the other stores didn’t have.
Easter Candy Bouquet Ingredients and Supplies
Boxes of candy 4-5 boxes. One of these can be a chocolate bunny, but it needs to be in a box. This will create your Easter basket to hold the candy/snack bouquet.
Candy or Snack items – About 10 items, depending on the size and fullness of your candy bouquets. Get different-sized items. Get some big items to act as the main show pieces and then smaller items to act as fillers.
Wood Skewers – These will be used to hold your candy and snacks in place.
Hot Glue gun and hot glue sticks – This will be used to hold your boxes of candy together and to attach the skewers to your candy and snacks.
Packing Tape, clear – This will be used on the bottom of your candy box basket. It holds the flower foam in place and creates a base.
Flower Foam – The skewers will be placed into this and hold them in place.
Paper Shred or Easter Grass – This will fill in any gaps in the candy bouquet.
Bow (optional) – You can skip this step but I added a bow to the candy bouquet.
Easter Picks (optional) – I added these in for extra decoration and filler, but they can be skipped.
Craft Felt or Foam (optional) – to make the bunny ears and feet, but you can use these felt feet instead. Dollar Tree does sell felt easter bunny feet, but my store was out so I had to make my own. You can also use the easter bunny ears headbands for the ears. Just cut the ears off and glue them to skewers, but my store was also out of those. You can skip this step, but I thought it added some extra cuteness.
How to Assemble an Easter Candy Basket Bouquet
Heat up your glue gun and let’s get started!
To make the Easter box candy basket you’re going to need 4-5 boxes of candy. I needed to use 5 due to the size of my chocolate Easter Bunny.
If using a chocolate easter bunny place that as your front piece, make sure the chocolate bunny is facing outward. Otherwise, use whatever box of candy as your front piece.
Then get another box of candy and you want the front of the box facing outward and the end of the box without a bar code at the top. Place a line of hot glue down the side of the candy box.
Attach the box of candy to the side of the front candy box.
Do the front 2 sides and then turn your boxes around. You are going to place a line of hot glue down the seam of the boxes for extra support.
Now attach your back pieces. If you have to use 2 boxes in the back make sure to glue them together in the middle.
Now turn your candy box basket over and apply packing tape to the bottom of the basket, both vertically and horizontally.
Flip it back over and cut pieces of floral foam and stuff them inside of your candy boxes. Make sure to push them down so they stick to the tape at the bottom. You don’t want them to be as tall as the boxes because you need room for the paper shred. Cut them to about 3/4th the size of the candy boxes. You can use a knife to cut your floral foam to size.
Now hot glue skewers to the backside of your candy and snacks, starting about halfway on the candy. If you have items that are flimsy do it 1/4 from the top so the skewer gives it more support.
If you’re using big or heavier items like candy cartons, sour straws, cookies, etc you’ll want to add 2-3 skewers to the back. They’ll need the extra support.
Now arrange your items. Place bigger items in the back and smaller items in the front.
Now stuff in your grass into any open spaces. To do this I grabbed chunks of the paper shred and shoved it between the candy and into the open space in the box candy basket.
If you’re going to attach ears and bunny feet do that now. Attach the feet to the bottom of the basket with hot glue and use skewers to place the ears behind all the candy.

Easter Candy Bouquet Basket
An easy and affordable Easter candy bouquet basket.
- Boxes of candy 4-5 boxes
- Candy or Snack items (about 10 items in various sizes)
- Wood Skewers
- Hot Glue gun and hot glue sticks
- Packing Tape, clear
- Flower Foam
- Paper Shred or Easter Grass
- Bow (optional)
- Easter Picks (optional)
- Craft Felt or Foam (optional)
- Heat up your glue gun and let’s get started!
- To make the Easter box candy basket you’re going to need 4-5 boxes of candy. I needed to use 5 due to the size of my chocolate Easter Bunny.
- If using a chocolate easter bunny place that as your front piece, make sure the chocolate bunny is facing outward. Otherwise, use whatever box of candy as your front piece.
- Then get another box of candy and you want the front of the box facing outward and the end of the box without a bar code at the top. Place a line of hot glue down the side of the candy box.
- Attach the box of candy to the side of the front candy box.
- Do the front 2 sides and then turn your boxes around. You are going to place a line of hot glue down the seam of the boxes for extra support.
- Now attach your back pieces. If you have to use 2 boxes in the back make sure to glue them together in the middle.
- Now turn your candy box basket over and apply packing tape to the bottom of the basket, both vertically and horizontally.
- Flip it back over and cut pieces of floral foam and stuff them inside of your candy boxes. Make sure to push them down so they stick to the tape at the bottom. You don’t want them to be as tall as the boxes because you need room for the paper shred. Cut them to about 3/4th the size of the candy boxes. You can use a knife to cut your floral foam to size.
- Now hot glue skewers to the backside of your candy and snacks, starting about halfway on the candy. If you have items that are flimsy do it 1/4 from the top so the skewer gives it more support.
- If you’re using big or heavier items like candy cartons, sour straws, cookies, etc you’ll want to add 2-3 skewers to the back. They’ll need the extra support.
- Now arrange your items. Place bigger items in the back and smaller items in the front.
- Now stuff in your grass into any open spaces. To do this I grabbed chunks of the paper shred and shoved it between the candy and into the open space in the box candy basket.
- If you’re going to attach ears and bunny feet do that now. Attach the feet to the bottom of the basket with hot glue and use skewers to place the ears behind all the candy.
- Enjoy!
Bunny Feet and Ears
To make the bunny ears and feet, but you can use these felt feet instead. Dollar Tree does sell felt easter bunny feet, but my store was- out so I had to make my own. You can also use the easter bunny ears headbands for the ears. Just cut the ears off and glue them to skewers, but my store was also out of those. You can skip this step, but I thought it added some extra cuteness.