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Top 5 Saturday Laughs!

Sharing is caring!

My top 5 laughs of the week:

1. I was talking to my son on the phone last night and I yawned. He then tells me how I am tired and should go to bed. I told him it wasn’t even 8pm and I wasn’t tired yet. He kept insisting that I go to bed because I was tired and wouldn’t stop until I told him I would go to bed.

2. My daughter LOVES Yo Gabba Gabba. It’s the only show she will watch. We run it off the ps3 on netflix instant stream throughout the day. She knows the ending music and will run up to one of us and start hollering at us until we start the next episode OR she will grab the ps3 remote and hit all the buttons until the next one starts.

3. When Yo Gabba Gabba plays music she runs up to the TV, squeals like a teenager, and starts dancing. It’s the funniest thing ever since dancing for her consists of putting her hands up in the air and spinning in circles. This usually ends with her falling onto the floor from being dizzy.

4. I recently bought my daughter a pair of “ugg” type shoe’s from children’s place. She will not take them off. It one falls off she runs up to me, hands it to me, and sits down so I can put it on. Then she walks away happy as can be. (She normally hates wearing shoes and will take them off)

5. When my son was little we were driving in the car (on the freeway) and he was being a smart ass. I told him if he didn’t stop I would turn the car around and we would go home. Being his smart ass little self he told me “You cant turn the car around, there is a wall there!”

Gotta love kids!! 🙂

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