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Yo Gabba Gabba Live!

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Does your little one love Yo Gabba Gabba? I know mine does. I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, It’s the ONLY show she will watch. When it comes on she gets excited, squeals, and dances. If I say “Yo Gabba Gabba” she gets the biggest smile on her face. It’s the cutest thing EVER!


Did you know they are on Tour right now? They will be in Denver on Nov 8th and we are going to take her. Check to see if they will be coming to a city near you.
Did you know that they have Yo Gabba Gabba Vans? They come in Adult, Kids, and Toddler sizes. I think I am getting her THESE for the show! Since they come in adult sizes I might have to get a pair to match her…
They also have clothing so I am thinking a shirt to match the shoes is a must!
We are hoping they can take pictures after, so keep your fingers crossed for us!
and of course I will be blogging about the event, so check back for a Yo Gabba Gabba Live review!
Have you been to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live? How was your experience? Or have you been to another show live?
**And let me just say the whole time I was typing this post she was squealing and clapping! lol
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