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Saturday Laughs

Sharing is caring!

I hope you all have a fabulous Holiday. Ours was very relaxing! Now onto my Laughs for this week

1. My son calls me the other day and says how he wants me to spend Thanksgiving with him and his dad. I nicely told him that wasn’t going to happen and he proceeds to tell me WHY I should be there and lists all the foods they are going to eat. My son is VERY picky and I knew he wasn’t going to eat any of it so I ask him “Are you even going to eat any of that?” He gets quiet and goes “YUCK! No way!”

2. I’m always saying how I wish there was more quiet in this house but with a toddler running around that’s nearly impossible. The other day she was SUPER quiet and in the other room. I thought she was playing quietly in her room when my husband jumps up. Her bedroom is across from the bathroom and he left the door open. Apparently she thought it would be fun to play in the toilet. She came out soaking wet and water was all over the bathroom. Of course I had to respond to my husband that this is why I keep the bathroom door closed…

3. My daughter has a box creation (review and giveaway coming soon) in her room. The other day my husband decided to hide in it and our daughter set off looking for him. Next thing you know I hear him yell and she comes bolting out of her room scared shitless and crying. I’ve never seen her run so fast in her little life. As mean as it sounds it was hilarious. Of course once my husband came out of her room she started laughing at him.

4. Hubby works afternoons/nights so when he doesn’t have overtime he is home in the mornings, which means I usually get to sleep in. I stumpled out of my room the other morning and he asks me if our daughter knows what a purse is. My response was “HUH? No? I Haven’t taught her that, yet…”. He tells me to look at her and I do. She had her toy bucket filled up with toys and was walking around with it on her arm like it was a purse. I started cracking up. She is such a DIVA in the making. I tried to get a picture but like always she stopped doing it and I coundn’t get one.

5. Anytime my daughter knows we are about to go out she runs and grabs diapers. She has this crazy obsession with them. She will grab the diaper bag or my purse, diapers, run to the kitchen and grunt until I get her a sippy cup and snacks (since she knows I always bring them) and then will run to the door and holler at me until we leave. If we don’t go out she has a total melt down. It’s pure comedy watching her run around to get all the stuff together to go. She will even grab my sweater if it’s out. This girl leaves the house prepared!

Any funny stories from your week that you want to share?



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