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Top 5 Saturday Laughs – Holiday Photos

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Today I am doing my Saturday Laughs with funny Holiday Photos. While my kids do things everyday that I find funny, I can’t remember half of them and I want to change things up a little.

So here there are:

1. I was cracking up yesterday when I saw this picture. I want to decorate for Christmas since it’s my FAVORITE holiday, but I also want to get through thanksgiving first. So I’ll wait until the weekend after Thanksgiving to start my decorating.

2. Who doesn’t love maxine?? and ANYONE who has a cat knows this is true! My cat was notorious for SLEEPING in the Christmas tree and knocking off all the ornaments. His big ol fluffy butt looked like he was a bird sleeping in that tree… It was too funny.

3. Heehee

4. Poor Turkeys…

5. This last one is a link to a website with pictures of kids with santa… We have all had that picture where one of our kids is screaming in Santa’s lap. You know it’s funny.

What are some of your Saturday Laughs?


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