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Yo Gabba Gabba Live Tour Review

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I don’t know what made me decide to Google “Yo Gabba Gabba Tour” a couple months ago, but I did and ended up finding out that they were currently on Tour. I also don’t know what made me mention it to my husband whose response was “We are taking her” (our daughter). After his response I don’t know who I wanted to stab more, me for mentioning it or him for saying that we were going. The thought of having to sit through a live show of Yo Gabba Gabba combined with screaming kids was enough to make me mental.

Here’s why: From the minute my daughter wakes up in the morning to the minute she goes to sleep, she wants to have yo gabba gabba playing (thank you netflix instant stream). I listen to them ALL day long, unless I fight her for the TV. Yes, you guessed right, This is HER world. So the last thing on my list of things to do was to go see Yo Gabba Gabba live…

Once my husband informed us that we were going I showed the Yo Gabba Gabba Live website to my daughter, who responded with smiles, squeals, and tons of words I couldn’t make out. How can you say No to that? Over the past several weeks her Yo Gabba Gabba enthusiasm has increased. She has a life size foofa pillow, yo gabba gabba blanket, and t-shirt. If you mention Yo Gabba Gabba she gets SO excited. It truly is the cutest thing ever. Think stalker teenagers with Justin Bieber fever, but in a toddler version. Seeing her excitement over Yo Gabba Gabba has increased my excitement over it and I honestly don’t know who was more excited to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live tonight, me or her.

We got ready to go and my daughter couldn’t leave the house fast enough, she literally ran out the door. We got to the venue, picked up our tickets, and headed inside.

Waiting for the show to begin…

It’s getting time to start…


The show started and everyone was clapping and cheering, parents and kids. The atmosphere was GREAT! They had tons of confetti throughout the show, that the kids LOVED. The music wasn’t too loud, thank god. They played TONS of songs from their shows, so thankfully I knew all the words. For a majority of the show they asked everyone to stand up and dance. (such a great thing, it’s means lots of tired kids!)

The Gang…

All Smiles…


She has her “Foofa” Flowers…

Leslie (she lost a lot of weight, I didn’t even recognize her)

Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl, you got what I neeeeeed!! Oh wait, this is Yo Gabba Gabba. Biz Marki – I didn’t know he was going to be here, such a nice suprise. (even my hubby was a little excited)

The Frey – I may have screamed a little when they came out! 🙂

Confetti – This stuff is EVERYWHERE! In my hair, down my shirt, all in the diaper bag, stuck to my butt. Uggggh!


Final Verdict – The show was AMAZING! All the characters were dancing around and singing. They had the whole crowd dancing and singing along. It truly was magical. I am already planning for when them come on tour again, if they do. I really don’t know who had more fun, my daughter or me. I owe Yo Gabba Gabba a big THANK YOU. My daughter walked in the house and by time I came out of my bedroom from changing she was in her room, on the floor, asleep next to her crib. Oh Man! I owe every one of them kisses!!!

Yo Gabba Gabba still has stops left on their tour in Ca, Tx, Nv, and FL. If you haven’t bought tickets already I highly suggest you do! Totally worth any money spent…

Not sure why the pics look a little blurry, but if you click on them, they will open up bigger.

*I was not paid for this post. I was given tickets for my family and I to attend Yo Gabba Gabba Live, in exchange for a review of the show. This in NO way persuaded my review. All opinions are 100% MY OWN!

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