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Kidorable Review & Giveaway

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In 1997, Kidorable sprung from the minds, hearts and efficiency apartment of Liping and Jonathan Domsky. They proclaimed, “The world needs someone to create children’s apparel and accessories that are both functional and fun. We can do that.”

And so Kidorable was conceived. Starting with lions and cats and bears, oh my, manifested as umbrellas and hangers, Kidorable generated enough sales during its first year to break even and plant fruitful Kidorable seeds throughout the land. The following year sales grew ten fold. Every year since, give or take, a new style and/or product line debuted. And every year, the world joyfully embraced more Kidorable delights, give or take, than the year before.

Children, it turns out, absolutely and unconditionally love Kidorable (almost as much as their parents and other children-loving grown-ups do.)

I must say that Kidorable has  some of the cutest items ever. It was so hard picking an item to review because I wanted ALL of it. The great thing about my daughter being so little is that I can still pick out her stuff. I decided to go with the Houndstooth Rain Boots and was also sent the Houndstooth Umbrella. I would have gone with the rain coat, but with it being winter and all I doubt my daughter would get much use out of it.

Cute, Right?

Like with all new things that arrive we opened up the box and my daughter responded with squeals of delight.  She took the boots out of the box and wanted to wear them immediately. So I put them on her and she ran around the house with them on for the rest of the day.

The rain boots are true to size and made of great material. I know they will hold up well and keep my daughter dry in the rain and water from melted snow.

Kidorable has a great selection of items from umbrellas, rain boots, rain coats, hats, scarves, and so much more! There is something for everyone and they even have an outlet store.

Make sure you Follow Kidorable on twitter. As a thank you for becoming a follower they send you a code to use on any $20 or more purchase for a free umbrella!

Kidorable was nice enough to offer one of my fabulous readers a Kidorable Umbrella of their choice! To enter fill out the rafflecopter form below.

*Kidorable provided me with items to facilitate a review. All opinions are 100% my own.

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