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Little People Talking Zoo Animals

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If you are like me you bought your child the Little People Talking Zoo this year.

I remember seeing this a few months ago and adding it to my mental christmas check-list. I knew my daughter would love it since she loves the Little People Farm. I managed to get the zoo on sale, used a coupon on it, and got a gift card with purchase at a pre-black friday sale.

Yesterday I saw someone talking about it on facebook and they were saying how it was hard to find the add-ons. My ears perked and I said HUH? Add-ons? Of course I went to google and found that there are 16 additional animals for the zoo that you can purchase along with a safari truck. Apparently these animals are SUPER hard to find.

So I set out on a mission to find them…

They are unavailable via the fisher price website, but it says they retail from $3-4. They are selling on amazon and ebay for double to triple the price.

(These are what they look like)

Today I set out on my mission to find these animals. I know my daughter won’t know the difference if she has them or not, but I want the whole set. I think this will be a great way for her to learn her animals while playing. I went to walmart, kmart, khols, and 2 target stores and had ZERO luck finding them. There wasn’t even a price tag for where they should be on the shelf. I was defeated and contemplating paying the extra price and just buying them on ebay. I had to stop at target on my way home for a last minute item and started wondering the store. I ended up in the christmas isle and was browsing all their stocking stuffers when I see a “fisher price animal”. I snatch it up and realize this is the animal I have been searching for ALL day. I look around some more and found 8 of the 16 animals. They were thrown around in random places throughout the stocking stuffer shelves…

Tomorrow my mission is to check Toys R Us again but this time check their stocking stuffers and to look at another target. Who knew that these damn things were with the christmas stuff?

So if you are looking for these I suggest Target’s stocking stuffer isle. It’s with all the christmas stuff and there should be a bunch of small toys and candy around. Make sure to check ALL the shelves and behind stuff since they can be thrown about. I bought all 8 for $3.29 each… (i’ll update on my toys r us luck tomorrow)

FYI – You can buy 8 on ebay for $69.99 or more. I paid about $30 with tax.

**UPDATE: No luck at toys r us. I asked a worker and she said they would be next to the little people zoo. I did have a friend who found them at walmart near the little people toys. She said they were hidden and she almost missed them. I went to another target today (That makes 3 total) and was able to find 2 more. (Again, they were hidden under other items in the stocking stuffer isle). Try looking for a price tag for around $3.29 and it says “single animal” or something “animal”.

**UPDATE 2: Another friend found the animals at target in the toy section and found the books at Toys R Us in the toy section. They are out there! Make sure you check ALL shelves in the area because they can be hidden…

Have you bought this toy? Did you get the addons? Have you been searching for the addons?

If this post has helped you in any way please leave a comment saying so! I would love to know if I was able to help someone find these…

*This post was to help ya’ll out. I wasn’t paid or given anything by fisher-price for it.

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