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Saturday Laughs: Santa Picture!

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This weeks laugh is my daughter with Santa!

I should probably scan this, but I am being lazy. So you all get a picture of a picture!

This is what we call her “ugly face”. She always makes this face when she is getting ready to cry or is crying. It always makes me laugh.

I knew that she was going to cry with Santa because we were in the mall a few weeks ago and I took her to say Hi to Santa and she lost it. She had the biggest tears streaming down her face and ran away. Today was no different. It was our turn to finally see Santa and she just gave him this evil glare. I sat her on his lap and the ugly face emerged. I told the guy to just snap the picture because she was not going to smile and he did. She could not get off his lap fast enough. Santa handed her a book and she reached her arm out as far as it would go so she wouldn’t have to get close to him, snatched it, and ran away. All while giving him the evil glare. It was pretty funny watching and even Santa had a chuckle…

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