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52 Project – Week 1

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52 Photo Project – Week 1

1-1-12 – 1-7-12

It’s been a pretty chill week in our house. We got back from vacation Monday (1/2/12) night and have been relaxing around the house. I need to get back into my regular mode of cleaning, blogging, and everyday life. Tuesday (1/3/12) morning we had Christmas at our house. Our daughter got to open all her presents from Hubby and I and they have been all over the apartment ever since. It’s like a toy store in here. She also came home with a cold so I have been dealing with a sick toddler, NO FUN! My son’s birthday is also this week (1/7/03). He is the big 9 today! Gosh how time flies!! So far the first week of the new year has been good…

Check back next Sunday for 52 project – Week 2! I will be posting a recap of the week, each Sunday for 52 weeks (All of 2012).

If you are taking part in a photo project for the year, leave a link below so I can check it out!

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