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Car Seat Law for 2012

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With a new year comes New Laws. One of the big changes this year is the new car seat law. I know this law went into effect in CA on January 1, 2012.

When I did a google search for the new law only California was popping up. It could have gone into effect in other states, but I didn’t find any info. Please correct me if I am wrong.

While I don’t live in CA anymore, it’s still a great idea to follow this law. I am the type of parent who would rather play it safe then sorry.

The new law states that: children under the age of eight (8) or under four (4) feet, nine (9) inches tall must be properly secured in the rear seat of a vehicle with child passenger restraint system. You can read more about the law and exclusions HERE.

This is also being backed my the American Academy of Pediatrics.

I know this law is in effect in CA. I am unsure about any other states. I will be following this and I am in Colorado. It’s always better to make sure out little ones are SAFE.

Safe Driving!

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