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For the Love of Joe – Keurig Giveaway!

Sharing is caring!

Acadiana’s Thrifty Mom has joined up with a great group of family friendly bloggers to bring you this great giveaway for a Keurig Mini PLUS 18 cappuccino K-cups. All you have to do is like a few Facebook pages and G+ pages. Yep, that’s it, then you’re entered to win! There will be 1 winner chosen for this giveaway. Don’t have a G+ account? That’s okay too, simply like all of the Facebook pages and click that you did it and you will get 25 entries into the contest for that task; just leave the G+ alone 🙂 If you have G+, go get in those circles, this will mean 25 extra entries for you! Good luck and HAVE FUN ♥


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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