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Happy Birthday to my Baby Boy!

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I can’t believe that 9 years ago today I gave birth to my son. 9 years has passed SO QUICKLY, but I remember his birthday like it was yesterday.

A few days prior to my due date I started to go into labor. A few hours later it stopped. This continued for 3 nights. Finally on the night of Sunday,  Jan 5th (my actual due date) the contractions were very painful so off to the hospital we went! I got there and they told me I was only 3cm. They told me to walk the hospital for an hour and to come back. It was the middle of the night and I was in SO much pain, but off I went for my hour long walk. I came back and had no improvement. They wanted to send me home, but since I lived 25 minutes away they said I could sleep in the pre-admission room and gave me a morphine shot. I slept for a few hours and when I awoke, they said they would admit me.

At the first chance I got, I demanded an epidural. It was the best thing EVER! I slept on and off all of Monday. My son was taking his sweet time coming so they popped my water, which was no help, and gave me pitocin to help him come quicker. Of course it only helped a little. He was on his own schedule. My epidural came out of my back around midnight. They tried placing it back in, but it stopped working. I was in so much pain. I just remember laying there and crying that it hurt. When they finally told me it was time to push it was 1am tuesday morning.

I pushed for 3 hours since he was trying to come out sideways and had a big head, which made delivery HARD, PAINFUL, and LONG. Remember, I have No epidural so I was feeling everything. At 4:01 am Tuesday January 7th, 2003 – After 32 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing my beautiful baby boy was here. I remember him coming out and a million people rushing in the room. I got one quick look at him before they whisked him away. His heart rate was dropping throughout pushing (which I didn’t find out about until a day later since they didn’t want to freak me out) and he was born with the cord around his neck so they wanted to make sure he was ok. They rushed him off to NICU (I didn’t find out about that until about 4-5 hours later) and I didn’t get to see him again until 9am that morning.

After delivery was more painful then the actual birth. Part of my placenta was stuck so they had to do a D&C and I needed 3 stitches. I got all of this WITHOUT pain meds. I remember screaming that it hurt and them not doing anything about it. It was such a painful and scary experience, but once I finally got to hold my precious baby it made it all better. He was a very healthy and active 7lb 13 oz and 21inch baby boy. I was in LOVE…

(at christmas 2011)

So to honor my baby on his birthday I am going to do my Top 5 Saturday laughs about him this week…

5. When my son was around 3 he would follow us into the bathroom and try to make us put on a pad. He had this weird obsession with it. He couldn’t talk much, but he would take one out of the cabinet, hand it to you, and if you didn’t put it on he would start crying. It was the weirdest thing, but funny.

4. Before I had my daughter my son would always tell me how he wanted a little brother. He would bring it up all the time. Mom, can we go to the store and buy a brother? Me, no… you can’t buy a brother. He didn’t know where babies came from and my brother ended up telling him they come from hospitals. So of course he wanted to go get one. My grandpa was in the hospital and we went to visit him. He was SO excited because he thought he was going to be getting a new brother. My brother was egging him on telling him that we were going to pick out his brother. It was like he had just gotten a new toy or something. Of course when he found out he wasn’t getting one he started crying… It was so funny listening to him talk about how you go to the hospital and just pick up a brother.

3. Most woman who have had a kid know about the ugly stretch marks. Thanks to genetics I was cursed blessed with lots of them. Whenever I was changing my shirt and my son was in the room he would always walk up and rub my stomach. When I would ask him what he was doing he would say my stomach was “wrinkly, soft, and pretty…”

2. I was driving in the car when my son was doing something to make me mad. I finally told him if he didn’t stop I would turn the car around and take him home. His response: You can’t turn the car around there is a wall there. (He was talking about the concrete center divide). At that point I didn’t know if I should still be mad or laugh…

1. My son was with my mom when I got a phone call from her. She asks me why my son thinks he has boobs. I told her I didn’t know. I then heard him and her arguing over the fact that he did NOT have boobs. She kept telling him boys have chests and he kept saying NO BOOBS! Finally she told him he had nipples and once again he said NO BOOBS! Then I hear him say “My mommy has big boobs (I was blessed up top), my daddy has big boobs (he was on the heavy side), and I have little boobs.” I peed my pants laughing.

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