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Happy New Year!

Sharing is caring!

Happy New Year to you and your families!!!

May your year be full of health, happiness, and wealth!

When I started my site a few months ago it was just to chronicle our lives since we moved away from our families early last year. Then I was introduced to the blogging world. I thought it would be fun to do coupons/deals, but it is so time consuming and I am still learning how all of that goes. So I decided to nix that idea. I ended up going with reviews & giveaways and am loving it! I think the mailman hates me though 😛

For 2012 I want to keep up with the same theme. Reviews, Giveaways, Recipes, and some of our daily life. I am also going to add a 52 photo project. I would like to do a 365 project, but I know I will forget to take pics and most days nothing interesting enough for a picture is warranted. I’ll do an update once a week and post a few pictures highlighting my week. (I need to pick a day, Any suggestions?) I encourage all of you to join me and I’ll probably add a linky up!

I don’t do resolutions, but I have some goals for the year.

  • Get into better physical shape and lose weight, Thanks to nutrisystem I will be able to kick start this. There will be a weekly fitness update and I would love for all of you to join me and share your weight loss journeys.
  • Have better reviews and giveaways.
  • Continue to grow my site.
  • Buy a house.
  • Get pregnant. (Hubby says we have to wait until we get the house)

So tell me what would you like to see of The Denver Housewife? Anything you like or dislike?

What are some of your resolutions or goals for the year?

XoXo Jamie

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