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My weight loss journey with nutrisystem #nsnation

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I’ve never been on the thin side, but I wasn’t “over weight” until after I had my son. In my teenage years I was thick and I was happy with that, but then I got pregnant with my son and gained 60 lbs. I planned on losing the weight, but never did. During the years after him I managed to pack on another 20-30 lbs. Now it’s time to lose it.

I was selected by Nutrisystem to be apart of the Nutrisystem nation and I couldn’t be more excited and nervous. Excited because this is just what I need to help me along with my weight loss and nervous because I know it will be hard work and I don’t want to fail.  Every Sunday I will do a weekly update and share with you how much weight I lost for the week and the things I did to get there. I encourage ALL of you to share your tips, tricks, and weight loss updates every sunday with me! Together we can do this…

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

*I have been selected by nutrisystem to be apart of the nutrisystem nation. I am being provided with 4 months of food and counsel in-exchange for weekly updates. Regardless, all opinions are 100% my own!

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