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NS Update: Week 1 #NSNation

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My first week on Nutrisystem has ended and I couldn’t be happier with my results! I am down 4 lbs!

Getting use to the NS program was a little hard. The first 2-3 days I was VERY hungry, but now my body is getting adjusted to the smaller portions I am eating and I’m not as hungry anymore.

You are supposed to drink 64oz of water each day! There was only 1 day this week where I didn’t meet that goal and a few days where I drank 96oz of water. Water can get boring to drink so I squeeze some lemon into my water. Its like lemonade almost, without all the sugar.

This is one days meals (snacks not pictured.)  For breakfast I eat a NS Breakfast item and add fruit, Lunch is a NS item with Salad, and Dinner I have a NS item with veggies and sometimes salad.

Above is a Cinnamon roll w/ strawberries, A chicken quesadilla w/ fat free refried beans and a salad (Beans were added) and for dinner is Salisbury steak w/ mac n cheese and veggies.

So far most of the foods I have eaten this week have been very good. My favorites were the Chicken Quesadilla, Cheese Tortillini, and Pizza. I’m not really a fan of the dessert items, which is a bummer since i love cookies, cake, and brownies BUT maybe this will help curve my sweet tooth.

I’m not going to lie. There were 2 days this week where I cheated. One was with my daughter on our weekly date to Chick-Fil-A. We had lunch and she played. I got a chicken sandwich and added a side salad. The other was a day when I was out shopping. All of a sudden I got hit with a wave of hunger and I ran to the nearest place I could find to grab some food. You are going to be perfect all the time and there will be times where you eat the not so good for you foods. My advice is to pick healthier options when eating out. Instead of fries add a side salad. (You can always steal a few of your kids fries…). Instead of fried chicken get grilled.  Remember it’s only ONE meal, just don’t make it into a daily habit.

I have also cut down my soda intake A LOT! If I do have a soda it’s limited to 1 per day, but I only had 4 soda’s this week, so there were some days where I skipped it all together!

When I leave the house I make sure to fill up my 32oz water bottle and to pop a NS lunch bar or some other kind of healthy snack into my purse. I get thirsty  A LOT so my first reaction is always to pull into somewhere and grab a large coke. If I have my water with me then I won’t need to grab the soda. I also don’t want to get hit with that wave of hunger again so I keep a snack on me. This can hopefully tie me over until I get home to eat a healthier lunch.

This upcoming week I am going to incorporate exercise so I can improve my results even more.

Any tips you would like to share? How is your weight loss journey going?

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

*I have been selected by nutrisystem to be apart of the nutrisystem nation. I am being provided with 4 months of food and counsel in-exchange for weekly updates. Regardless, all opinions are 100% my own!

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Fruits, Veggies, and Water, OH MY!

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