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UPS My Choice

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Become a Member Get delivery that fits your life! Get alerts before packages arrive, Electronically authorize packages for drop-of, re-route to other locations and many other options. Must enter Valid name, username, password, addres.

Since I do reviews I get a lot of packages. I signed up for the UPS my choice program and LOVE it. A day before my package comes I get an email from UPS alerting me that I will have a delivery the next day. My email usually says “by end of business day”, but I have heard of other people whose emails have a time period. Regardless I love the program. Not all companies provide me with tracking numbers and this helps me to know that I should be watching out for the UPS man. If I know I am not going to be home I can request for them to hold my package at my local UPS facility OR I can even re-route my package to another address. Talk about convenient…

Sign up NOW!

*This is a sponsored post, regardless all opinions are 100% my own.

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