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Nutrisystem Update: Week 3

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I can’t believe I just finished week 3! Where is the time going??

I started the week off sick and when I am sick all I want is comfort foods, medicine, and sleep. I did do better with my NS meals this week, but was still thrown off a little. Week 4 is going to be better since I am no longer sick and I am ready to jump back in 100%!

Nutrisystem is teaching me lots of great things like tracking my food and exercise. Tracking my food not only lets me keep track of what I have eaten for the day, but it also makes me really think twice about eating something that is not so diet friendly. I said last week that I was going to start exercising and I did, but not to the full extent that I had wanted to since I was sick.

This week I am down 1 pound! YAY!

Goal: Lose 50 pounds

This week: down 1 pound

Total lost: 6 pounds

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

*I have been selected by nutrisystem to be apart of the nutrisystem nation. I am being provided with 4 months of food and counsel in-exchange for weekly updates. Regardless, all opinions are 100% my own!

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