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Potty Time DVD & CD Review!

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My daughter is going to be 2 soon and it’s about time we started potty training her. I am NOT looking forward to this, but it has to be done so I want to make it as fun and easy as possible.

Potty Time is a playful and positive approach to potty training. Emmy-nominated host Rachel Coleman teaches and inspires children to use the potty – and helps them sing, sign, and dance to celebrate their amazing bodies and potty time success. Potty Time is a perfect partner in potty training, working with any potty training method you choose. They believe children learn best by having fun, positive experiences through music, movement and fun! 

I was sent the Potty Time DVD and CD to review. As soon as it arrived I popped it into our DVD player for my daughter to watch. We are not in full potty training mode yet, but I still want to get her familiar with the potty and everything that goes along with it.

Potty Time supports any potty training method by helping children:
• Listen to their bodies
• Stop what they are doing to go to the bathroom
• Celebrate their successes
• Deal with accidents in a positive way
• Appreciate their amazing bodies

Potty Time teaches the potty routine along with signs that children of any age can use to talk about growing up, using the potty, and celebrating successes of all kinds.

So far I am happy with the results from this DVD/CD. My daughter is learning about potty training and even knows what the potty chair is and will run and sit on it. Now if only I could get her to POTTY on it, but I am excited to continue using it during our potty training time and to continue seeing results.

You can purchase your own Potty Time DVD & CD online for $24.95.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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