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Organize your life with Clipix!

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Clipix is a new website that helps you organize your life. It’s like a virtual bulletin board that stores all your “clips” for later use.

With clipix there is no need for bookmarks anymore. You add the “clip” button to your bookmarks and when you are browsing around the web you can “clip” recipes, articles, decor, or whatever your heart desires to a clip board. You can organize your clip board to hold specific items such as a board for recipes. When you have found something you want to clip you click the button in your bookmarks, pick the picture you want clipped, add a description and save. If you want to visit that page again all you do is find the picture on your clipix board and it takes you back to the webpage!

Talk about easy!! I’m the type of person to bookmark something and then forget what the bookmark is for, but with clipix that no longer happens. I have a picture and description to make finding that page again easy!

Here’s an example of a clipix board I have created. I love searching for recipes and with my “Recipes” board I can clip all the yummy looking things I find and have them all stored for later use.








Clipix is easy to use, free to sign up, and and a great way to keep all of the treasures you find on the internet organized in one place.

Sign up for clipix today and join me in organzing our online lives!

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