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Keep Colorado in your thoughts through this tragedy!

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I’m sure everyone knows by now about the horrific tragedy that happened in Aurora, CO this morning. If your unfamiliar with Aurora, it’s a suburb right outside Denver.

If for some reason you don’t know about what happened. A man walked into the midnight premiere of the Dark Knight and opened fired on the movie theater. At this time 71 people have been shot and 12 are dead. I personally don’t know anyone who was in that movie theater and I am very thankful for that, but chances are one of you does. I can’t imagine the pain, hurt, and worry you or your families & friends are going through. All I can do is pray for you & ask others to do the same…

Photo found on facebook

I woke up this morning with several facebook messages and texts asking if my family and I were ok. I had no idea what was going on and quickly logged onto facebook and checked the 9news facebook page to see if I could find out why people were so worried. That’s when I saw the shooting. We quickly put the news on and I’ve been following the local news facebook page all day.

In a time like this I would think people would be supportive of one another. They would send prayers, good thoughts, or positive vibes to those affected by this tragedy. While I did see lots of that, I also saw LOTS of bashing and negative comments. Bashing to the parents who brought their child to the midnight show, hatred toward the news for only picturing a “white girl” on TV, and various other hateful and rude comments. In my opinion now is NOT the time for that. Now is the time for all of us to stick together. To console those who are hurting and to lend a helping hand…

Did you know the only reason that “white girl” Jessica Ghawi was mentioned is because her family had already confirmed her death and they allowed the news station to release the information? The reason no one else was talked about is because their deaths haven’t been confirmed or released yet.

As for kids being in the movie theater. There are many reasons why a parent brings their child to a movie. Maybe they couldn’t afford a sitter. Maybe They couldn’t find a sitter. Maybe they wanted to see the movie and knew their kids would sleep through it. Who are you to judge them??

It’s pretty obvious the man who did this was a messed up individual. I don’t understand how someone can plan something like this, kill innocent people, and wire his apartment with some sort of bomb. Dye his hair a reddish orange and tell police he is “the joker.” I’m not sure if we will ever know why he did this, but I pray that he pays for his actions.

I am thankful & lucky that I don’t know anyone who was hurt in that shooting, but I know many of you out there do. I know there are no words to make it better. I am sorry your family and friends are going through this and I pray for them.

Colorado just got over the tragic wild fires and now we are dealing with this shooting. Now is the time for all of us to band together and be a community. Stop the trash talking and hateful comments. Instead lend an ear, or a hug to someone who is hurting. If you can donate blood. Our blood banks are very low and they need whatever they can get. If you can donate blood please do!!

Talk to your children. It’s better that they hear about what happened from you. This is a very tragic and scary time so PLEASE talk to them. If you need help talking to your children about the Aurora Shooting there are lots of great resources to help! Colorado Children’s Hospital has a great informational page.

If you pray then pray for these families. If you can donate blood, please do. If you have kids, talk to them. I am a grown adult and these events have affected me. I am sad, scared, and confused. Take into consideration how your kids would feel and that they may not know how to process or handle something like this. Please, Please, Please talk to them. If you can’t talk to them, then take them to a professional who can.

Be considerate of those who are hurting and stop the hate. Pray for ALL people who are involved.

If you plan on attending a vigil you can find information about them here!

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