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2012 Holiday Gift Guide Submissions

Sharing is caring!

It’s that time of year again! The Holidays are just around the corner and is putting together a Kids Holiday Gift Guide!

What does this mean for your company? I would love to review some of your hottest and/or newest toys and feature them on my 2012 Kids Holiday Gift Guide. Reviews will start being posted at the end of September through early December for the gift guide. I will review and feature your item as well as promote it on my Website, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest accounts. I have an active and growing community of moms who are always looking for new items for their kids.

While my gift guide is geared towards kids, I am accepting a few non-kid items to feature. Regardless, I am always open to new review opportunities…

I look forward to hearing from you and working with your company during the 2012 Holiday Season!

P.S. Giveaways are always appreciated since they bring more exposure to the review!

Happy Holidays from my home to yours!

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