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Helping child literacy with #NickCFK book drive!

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I was recently given the opportunity to join the Champions for Kids Nickelodeon Big Help Book Drive Campaign. I have worked with Champions for Kids in the past in donating toothbrushes to kids in need and school supplies. I was beyond thrilled that I was chosen to help spread the word about child literacy and help with the Nickelodeon Book Drive.

61% of low income families don’t have books for children in their homes.

Reading in our house is a big deal. I have always loved to read and my kids do as well. We don’t read before bed, but we read throughout the day. My toddler is always bringing me books to look at and read with her and my son did the same at this age. My son is older now so he reads on his own, but my toddler still needs me to read to her. I started reading to them before they were even born and I’ve heard Dr’s say that is the best time to start. If you don’t start while they are in the womb, then starting when they are born is best.

Child literacy is a growing problem. In Colorado 26% of kids in the 3rd grade scored below proficient on the statewide literacy assessment. In Colorado they passed a Child Literacy Bill that will prevent any child from moving onto the fourth grade if they are far behind in reading. The kids with the biggest literacy problems are kids who go to low performing schools or low income school. The families and schools don’t have the resources to properly educate their kids and in turn the kids suffer.

These kids will grow up to repeat grades and eventually drop out of high school. Without proper literacy skills they will end up with no education and dead end jobs. This is where we come into help. DONATE books. If you can’t afford to purchase new books, then donate gently used books you have laying around your house. If all you can donate is one book, then that is one child getting helped. If you can donate books that will appeal to them, say books with their favorite characters like Dora and Spongebob, then they would be more appealed to read and hopefully stay on track to getting the education they deserve.

Come back next week where I will share my donation story. Money I raised, How many books I donated, and to where I donated them. I want to encourage all of you to donate a book or two or five to a school, church, or charity of your choosing. If you do donate, make sure to post it on the Champions for Kids website! I am also accepting donations to donate more books to the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. If you would like to make a donation then send me an email. You can see my shopping trip and donation in my Google+ album!

You can follow Champions for Kids on Facebook and Twitter.

You can follow Nickelodeon on Facebook and Twitter.

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Champions for Kids. #NickCFK #CBias

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