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My #NickCFK Book Drive Donations!

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Do you remember last week when I told you I was participating in a Book Drive to help with Child Literacy? Go ahead, read the last post. I’ll wait… Back? Let’s continue…

Since all of my Family and Friends are in California I sent out an email to them on facebook, asking for donations to purchase books to include in my donation to the Colorado Coalition for the homeless. I was able to raise $50 to help put towards the donation. I set out to walmart and purchased 21 books total.

Once all of the books were purchased we set out to the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. I decided to donate to them because I read that homeless and low income children are the ones most affected by literacy problems. Besides, who better to help then children who have little or nothing at all?

Helping those in need is a great thing and helping children to get the education they deserve is even better. You can help too!

I want to encourage all of you to donate a book or two or five to a school, church, or charity of your choosing. I also want you to encourage your family, friends, & acquaintances to do the same. You don’t have to donate new books, you can donate gently used books you have laying around the house or your children have outgrown. Anything helps!! If you do donate, make sure to post it on the Champions for Kids website! I am also accepting donations to donate more books to the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. If you would like to make a donation then send me an email. You can see my shopping trip and donation in my Google+album!

You can follow Champions for Kids on Facebook and Twitter.

You can follow Nickelodeon on Facebook and Twitter.

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Champions for Kids. #NickCFK #CBias

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