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#ConnectingFlights, This Season’s Must Watch Video!

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Since my husband works for an airline we travel ALL THE TIME. I don’t think a month goes by where I am not on an airplane. Most of my flights are boring and quiet, just the way I like them, but every once n awhile you get on a flight and end up meeting a really nice person. The video “Connecting Flights” by Sears is about two bloggers who meet in an airport and fall in love. While I haven’t fallen in love at the airport, I did fall in love with someone who works at the airport. Same difference, Right?

The video got me thinking about all of the trips I have taken and a few of them have stuck out. I generally sit alone in the row with my toddler and hope no one sits with us so that she doesn’t bother them. There was one flight we recently took and she was extremely tired and grumpy. She started crying and nothing I was doing could get her to stop, so the amazing flight attendant came over and sat with us, talked with her, played with her, and even gave her cookies. Generally most of the Flight Attendants are great, but this one was extra special and she went above and beyond to try and calm my tired toddler and that really stuck out to me.

There was also a flight I took earlier in the year. It was the last flight of the night, so it was late at night and there was a group of guys heading somewhere for a guys weekend. They were cracking jokes the whole flight and were a riot to listen to. One of them started talking to me about my daughter and telling me about his kids and kept offering to buy me a drink. I kept declining since I don’t really drink and I was traveling alone with my daughter, but the gesture was so nice and it had been awhile since anyone other then my husband offered something like that. The whole flight he kept telling me “Oh come on, you know you want one. Being a mom is hard work!” The gesture was sincere, nice, and I love meeting people like that. They can brighten your whole day without even knowing…

The Connecting Flights video has a cute story to it, plus you get to see some great Sears appliances in it and who doesn’t like sparkly appliances? But don’t take my word for it, check out the #ConnectingFlights video above. Do you have any fun stories to share of your travels? Did you fall in love at the airport? I would love to know…

This is a sponsored post, I am a Sears blogger, though all opinions are my own.

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