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Show Review: The Fresh Beats Band Live

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Last night we got to attend the Fresh Beats Band Live show in Broomfield, Co and if you were a child, then this was the place to be…

We arrived at the show and thankfully it wasn’t out of control crazy. The cast came out onto the stage and got to work signing dancing, and getting the crowd moving. I love that they added some new songs to their routine. My daughter loves the Fresh Beats and we know all of the songs by heart, so seeing new songs was a great thing. The Fresh Beats did great at getting the kids to dance and sing along with them and everyone looked like they were having a blast.

The show is very high energy and my daughter had a blast dancing and singing along with the Fresh Beats. The show started on time, they took a small break half way through, and then came back and finished the show. Towards the end they said goodbye and walked off the stage, but when all the kids and dancers started shouting “FRESH BEATS” they came back onto stage to perform a couple more songs. If you can afford the ground seats that is the most happening place to sit since the Fresh Beats come into the crowd to dance and sing with the kids…

All in All it was a fabulous experience. If you have Fresh Beats fans in your home and are thinking about getting tickets I highly suggest it. All of the kids looked like they were having a blast and the best part is my daughter went home and slept like a baby!

The Fresh Beats Band still has stops left on their tour so make sure to snatch up your tickets

*I was given tickets to attend the show. Regardless, All opinions are 100% my own.

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