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Chobani Champions for Kids Greek Yogurt!

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Chobani Champions for Kids is a Greek yogurt made by Chobani. It’s made from only natural ingredients and is GREAT source for protein, calcium and vitamin D. They don’t use any thickeners, gelatins, or stabilizers and they strain their yogurt to remove excess liquid to make it so thick and creamy. Chobani Champions doesn’t use any high fructose corn syrup or artificial ingredients, flavors, or colors in their yogurt. Just low-fat milk sourced from local-area farms; real fruit, lightly sweetened with evaporated cane juice; pure clover honey (in their Honey-Nana flavor); 5 types of live and active cultures; and three strains of probiotics. Everything is made with your kids health in mind!

Available in  4 delicious flavors:

  • Champions Very Berry is creamy perfection that’s packed with real raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries.
  • Champions Banana Honey is the perfect blend of ripe bananas and sweet honey that’s guaranteed to make your kids go ape.
  • Champions Vanilla Chocolate Chunk is brimming with real chocolate AND nutritious? Get out of town!
  • Champions Orange Vanilla is a cup of smooth, creamy deliciousness bursting with citrus flavor.

The first time my toddler had Chobani Champions she finished it quickly and wanted another. She has always been a yogurt fan, but she liked the Chobani Champions more then any other brand I had purchased for her. If I would let her she would eat a whole 4-pack in one day and she is often annoyed that I will only let her have 1 champions yogurt per day. The Chobani Champions yogurts come in 4 flavors and she liked all of them, but I noticed she ate the Banana Honey flavor extra quickly and would ask for it more often so I think it’s safe to say this was her favorite flavor.

I really like that the Chobani Champions isn’t loaded full of junk and that I am feeding her a healthy yogurt. The natural sweetness is also a great way to help curb her sweet tooth, so she isn’t asking me for cookies or candy. The Chobani Champions line can be purchased from grocery stores nationwide where Chobani is sold.

All in All the Chobani Champions Yogurt is a big hit in our house and the new brand of yogurt i’ll be purchasing from now on.

Chobani was nice enough to offer one fabulous reader the chance to win their own assortment of Chobani Champions! To enter fill out the rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*I was given products for review purposes. Regardless, All opinions are 100% my own!

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