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Palmolive Fresh Infusions Dishwashing Liquids!

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With the Holidays comes lots of cooking, baking, and dirty dishes, at least in our house and I am always looking for a quality dishwashing liquid to help tackle the big messes I make from all that cooking and baking. Not only do I look for something that can tackle big messes, but  I want a good smelling soap, since it makes the task a little less dreadful.

The Palmolive Fresh Infusions come in 3 fresh scents: Lime Basil, Ginger White Tea, and Lemon Thyme. While they all smell great my favorite was Ginger White Tea. My only complain about the soaps is I wish they had some lotion or something in them. Living at such a high altitude really dries out the skin and washing dishes dries them out even more. It’s not a deal breaker on using the soaps, since I can toss on gloves while washing, but it would be a nice addition.

I want a dishwashing liquid that is tough on grease, cleans my dishes well, and smells great. The Palmolive fresh scents are all three of those. They leave my dishes sparkling clean, tackle tough messes, cut through the grease and oil, and leave my kitchen with a fresh, clean scent. PLUS, They are affordable! They can be purchased at grocery stores and mass retailers nationwide!

*I was given product for review purposes, regardless all opinions are 100% my own.

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