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What Would You Do With a Million Dollars??

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Since I was a little girl I remember hearing about publishers clearing house. I remember the big envelope that would come in the mail with the stamps and picking out all the magazine subscriptions I wanted at the time. Now they work a little different, since you can enter their sweeps online, but I am still holding out for the day that they show up to my door with the giant check for 1 Million Dollars!!


If my family was to win the PCH $1 Million plus $5,000 Every Week For Life Mega Prize it would mean stability, comfortability, and no stress. We would use the money to buy our dream house, pay off all our bills, buy a second car, and then save the rest! The $5,000 a week would mean my husband didn’t have to break his back at work anymore, our kids could go to good schools, and we could travel and see the world. No crazy plans over here, just living life comfortably and enjoying it with my family!

The Mega Prize is BACK! You all remember when LeRoy Faulks won Publishers Clearing House first-ever Mega Prize, right? Well I’m sure you’d love to be the next person to win $1 Million plus $5,000 Every Week for Life in their June 30th Prize Event. Think about how amazing it would be to receive a check for $5,000 every single week for the rest of your life. In one year alone, you’d have $260,000! And on top of that, the winner would get ONE MILLION DOLLARS ON THE SPOT! Think about what you would do with $1 Million. Now think about what you would do with $5,000 a week for life. Then combine those two thoughts and THAT’S what you could do with the Mega Prize!

You see, the Mega Prize is extra special because a winner would have the best of both worlds — One Million Dollars to start living the life of a Publishers Clearing House Millionaire right away! Then, weekly prize checks of $5,000 would allow a Mega Prize winner to keep living the high life! Wow, that’s a prize, of Mega-Proportions! Yes, Dave and Danielle of the PCH Prize Patrol could surprise you at your home with a check for One Million Dollars! And remember, that would only be the beginning! If you win, you’d still have weekly prize checks of $5,000 to look forward to – FOR LIFE! A Mega Prize winner could go ahead and splurge right away, because weekly prize checks for $5,000 would be in the mail!

So tell me…

What would you do if you won the PCH Mega Prize? What would this mean for you and your family?? Tell me below and then enter for your chance to WIN!

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