I’ll be attending BlogHer later on this week and I’m so excited to attend my first blogging conference. One of the fun things I was invited to attend is a baby shower event hosting by The Baby Ladies where I’ll get to mingle with other bloggers, but more importantly learn more about Baby’s First Test and Save Babies Through Screening Foundation. Baby’s First Test is something I am a little familiar with since I’ve had 3 kids and they’ve all had their newborn screenings. The screening is generally done in the hospital, but it can also be done at their first Dr’s appointment and it checks your baby to see if it’s at an increased risk for certain serious medical conditions. The test is pretty simple with a blood prick and hearing test. The blood is sent to a lab for analysis and the results are then sent to your little ones doctor. Even if you don’t have a family history of any illnesses it’s a great test to have done because if your little one did show markers for something you could prepare and start treatment early.

Save Babies Through Screening Foundation
Baby’s First Test
Baby’s First Test houses the nation’s newborn screening clearinghouse. The clearinghouse provides current educational and family support and services information, materials, and resources about newborn screening at the local, state, and national levels and serves as the Clearinghouse for newborn screening information. This resource is dedicated to educating parents, family members, health professionals, industry representatives, and other members of the public about the newborn screening system. This site also provides many ways for people to connect and share their viewpoints and questions about the newborn screening system.
In addition to learning about Baby’s First Test and Save Babies Through Screening Foundation I’ll be hanging with some pretty awesome baby brands and learning about the cool products they offer. I’m not only excited for my first BlogHer experience, but also to hand out with so many great companies and bloggers!
If you aren’t following me on twitter make sure you are. I’ll be tweeting during The Baby Ladies Baby Shower on Thursday July 24th!
Tuesday 22nd of July 2014
What a fun experience this will be! Can't wait to hear all about it.