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How I Keep My Kids Active Indoors! #HorizonB2S

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Like most kids my kids love to play and I’m asked 100x a day if we can go to the park. Most days the answer is yes, but there are days where we’re just way too busy and a trip to the park doesn’t fit in. I love to keep the kids active for their health, but I also love the benefits like an easier bed time and letting them interact with other kids.

park time!
Let’s face it, busy days during the school year happen far too often and it can be hard to find time to get them their recommended amount of, 60 minutes per day, Physical activity. This means running around, exercising, riding bikes, playing at the park, ect. I know they get recess at school, but that doesn’t always seem to be enough, so I try to fit in more time at home.

Over the years I’ve found what works for our family to keep the kids active and I’m sharing some ways we get in our daily activity when days are just too busy…

  • Sports – Sports are a great way for kids to get their activity in and it also teaches them teamwork and gets them interaction with other kids.
  • The Wii – I know video games aren’t for everyone, but I love the Wii for our kids. A lot of the games we own are games where you have to dance or get up and move around to play. Video Games aren’t something I like them playing in mass amounts, but they can be a great way for them to get active in the house, that doesn’t involve jumping off the couches.
  • In Door Play Equipment – Our play room has a slide, trampoline, and lots of other kids stuff. On days where we don’t make it outside I’ll send the kids to go jump and play.
  • Games – Games like Red Light, Green Light and Freeze Dance are games kids love and it gets them up and moving.
  • Bubble Wrap – Lay it on the floor and let them go to town jumping on it to pop the bubbles.

Some other ways I get the kids active is when we go to my aunts house for dinner I’ll send the kids outside to play fetch with her dog. Not only do the kids get tired, but I’ve been told the dog sleeps good that night too. Our favorite is going to the park and I try to get them there several days a week, but it doesn’t always work out. We also love doing gymboree type classes, going to kids places like lil monkey bizness, trampoline places, and other types of indoor places gear towards kids, and having lunch somewhere that has an indoor play place.

Snacks to Fuel Kids #HorizonB2S
Another important thing to remember when keeping your kids active is feeding them well. Our favorite snacks for fueling up are fresh fruit, granola bars, and Horizon milk. Horizon’s shelf stable milk is perfect for tossing in my purse or diaper bag and not having to worry that it will go bad. It’s organic, full of protein, and the kids love it!

What ways do you keep your kids active indoors?

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Horizon Organic. The opinions and text are all mine.

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