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I Wish I Had #ALittleMore… + Walgreen’s Gift Card Giveaway!

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This post is sponsored by Huggies. All opinions and stories are always my own! #ALittleMore

Being a mom to 3 kids plus everything that goes along with taking care of a family and managing my blog leaves me feeling like I need a little more TIME. I know a lot of you moms can related, right? Most days I feel like the day has just flown by and I’ve gotten barely anything done and it leaves me wishing I had more time. More time to do me things, more time to sew, more time to focus on my blog, more time to clean (joking, I hate cleaning), and more time to travel. If only we can have more time…


One of the things I don’t complain about needing more time for is playing with my kids and watching them grow. As a mom it’s one of my priorities and something I’m thankful I get to watch them do everyday. Our little guy is almost 9 months old now and while he refuses to even consider crawling he has started pulling himself up to a standing position and I have a feeling he’ll be walking in the very near future, like his old brother and sister did at around 10 months. Now that he’s mobile I need a diaper that can move with him and Huggies Little Movers are a perfect solution. Their double grip strips move with baby and get comfier the longer he is wearing the diaper. Not only are they comfortable for him, but we’ve had no leaks.

Huggies #ALittleMore

Huggies has teamed up with Walgreens to give a little more to moms. When you purchase Huggies Little Movers at Walgreens go to and enter the Huggies Rewards code and Walgreens receipt number to earn great rewards. You can even play the instant win game* and earn great rewards like gift cards, and Huggies Diaper coupons. (official rules and details)

As a busy mom what do you wish you had a little more of? Money, Time, Me Time, Or something else?


Enter for the chance to win a $25 Walgreens Gift Card! To enter fill out the rafflecopter form below!a Rafflecopter giveaway


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