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How I Save on our Energy Bill, to Splurge on Fun! #PGEhome

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Brrrr, it’s starting to feel a lot like winter and with that typically comes a higher electric bill (PG&E if you’re in California), but one thing I hate is a high electric bill so I am always finding ways to help bring ours down so we have more money to spend on other things we need and for fun family outings. I’ve actually been able to reduce our energy bill significantly over the last several months and I am really excited about the savings I am racking up.

Tips for saving on your energy bill

Here are some of the ways we’re saving money on our energy bill:

  • I keep the thermostat set at about 65, sometimes lower. If the kids get cold while playing then they can put a sweatshirt on and if we’re on the couch then we usually have a warm snugly blanket on our lap. At night we added extra blankets to the bed and the kids get fleece pj’s this time of year to help keep them warmer.
  • I make sure that when I’m running the dish washer or washing machine that it’s a full load. For the dish washer I make sure to get all the tough foods off the dishes before putting them in and I use good quality detergents on laundry and dishes so that they won’t have to be washed a second time. I also try to run them at night since I’ve heard energy is cheaper.
  • We’ve weather stripped the doors and make sure to close the fire place dapper so that cold air isn’t coming in from them.
  • When appliances need to get replaced we use energy star appliances.
  • We turn off lights, TV’s, and anything else that isn’t being used.
  • We have switched to energy efficient light bulbs.
  • I unplug appliances, gadgets, and other devices that aren’t being used. I’ve always heard that those items draw power even if they aren’t being used, so I always make sure to unplug them.

Tips for saving on your energy bill

Being energy efficient (or using less energy) is beneficial because:

  • Direct benefits
    • Financial: saves money
    • Productivity: saves time
    • Comfort: improves quality of life
  • Indirect benefits
    • Puts less strain on the grid (reduces outages)
    • Puts less strain on other natural resources (like water)
    • Reduces emissions that can harm the environment

How to save money

With the money we’ve been able to save it can go towards Christmas presents for the kids and fun family outings. Even if you’re able to save a couple dollars on your monthly bill it’s something and those dollars add up over time!

Looking for more tips? PG&E has provided some warm and cold weather saving tips, as well as a money saver tool for projects you might be doing around the house, and a refridgerator recycling rebate!

Now through Nov 23rd PG&E has an instagram contest going on where you can enter to win 1 of 7 $100 home depot gift cards! 

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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