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Ubisoft: Petz Beach Game Review! #PetzBeach

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With the Holidays coming up there will be lots of traveling going on and the Nintendo DS is one of my favorite things to bring along during traveling since it’s compact and the kids love playing with it. Our daughter is always asking for new games to play with so when I was given the chance to try out the new Petz Beach I jumped at the chance and once it arrived our daughter was excited and couldn’t wait to start playing.

Petz Beach

Our daughter is also always asking for a pet, but we aren’t in a position to add a fury friend to our family right now so I told her she could practice taking care of a puppy on her new pet simulation game so when the big day comes she will be a little more prepared. As she cares for pets in the game and completes missions, she learns facts about animals, plants and insects. Petz Beach has a partnership with Encyclopaedia Britannica that allows kids to learn while playing the game. She also learns how to take care of a pet, like feeding, walking, and bathing it.


As players explore the town and meet new neighbors with their pets, the game expands and grows. Helping new friends will expand the village as the game progresses. There are more than 50 different types of animals in the game from dogs and cats, to dolphins and whales. Because the environment in game changes with the seasons, the adventure lasts all year long!


Petz Beach has been a hit with our daughter and is easy to navigate and provides lots of fun. You can get your copy of Petz Beach on Also coming soon is Petz Countryside, which provides lots more Petz fun!


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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