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The Importance of Tooth Enamel and Helping to Protect It! #ColgateEnamelHealth

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I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Colgate. I received a product sample for this review and a promotional item to thank me for participating. #ColgateEnamelHealth

A few weeks ago I told you guys about Colgate Enamel Health toothpaste and I shared info about a Saturdate beauty event that Walgreens was hosting. I went to one at our local Walgreens where I got to learn more about Colgate Enamel Health and get some free samples of the toothpaste. Did any of you get a chance to attend? I love shopping at Walgreens and get a lot of our health, beauty, and other general products there, so if I get to check out a fun event in the process I am even more excited to shop!

Colgate Enamel Health

More about Colgate Enamel Health and your tooth enamel:

Taking care of your teeth is important because you only get one set and when I look for a toothpaste I look for something that is going to help protect them and whiten them like the new Colgate Enamel Health toothpaste. This toothpaste helps protect the tooth’s enamel while also whitening your teeth. If you don’t know about tooth enamel it protects and isolates your teeth but over time it can chip and crack from daily use from things like chewing, biting, crunching and grinding.

Your tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your body, but tiny bacteria living in your mouth can cause acids which can cause your enamel to erode. Enamel also helps to protect your teeth from the harsh effects of plaque and acids as well as cold and hot foods. Once your enamel is destroyed there is no getting it back, that’s why you need to help protect it with a toothpaste like Colgate Enamel Health. Colgate Enamel Health replenishes natural calcium and phosphate back into weakened enamel to fill in rough spots and gently polishes the tooth surface so it’s smoother and bacteria are less likely to stick.

Colgate Enamel Heath

My Thoughts:

I’ve been using this toothpaste for a few weeks now. It has a great minty taste and I can already see a difference in how it’s helping to whiten my teeth and I love knowing that it’s helping to protect and strengthen my enamel. Smiling is important and I love to laugh and try to smile a lot because it brings happiness and makes the day brighter. When I’m in a bad mood and the kids do something silly that gets me smiling or laughing I instantly start to feel better. Smiling = Happiness and is a mood booster. Smiling also brings confidence. There is nothing that beats a great smile, ok laughing is just as great, and when you have a nice smile and feel comfortable smiling around others you’ll feel more confident. Take care of those teeth. Protect them, keep them clean, and keep them sparkling white because a bright smile does wonders for your attitude and confidence!

Colgate Enamel Health is available in both whitening and sensitive at your local Walgreens store.

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