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The Moment I was Clearblue Confirmed!

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For over the last 12 years I have been a mom and it’s been a roller coaster ride full of learning, growing, stressful days, and happy days, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I still remember the day I found out I was pregnant with my oldest who is 12 and all of my other kids and how excited I was. In December I peed on that all too familiar Clearblue pregnancy test and was thrilled when I saw it light up with a big fat pregnant and that we would be having our 4th baby. Taking a pregnancy test is such a rush of emotions from being happy, scared, nervous, excited and so many more. Those few minutes while you’re waiting for your results are so stressful, but I love how easy Clearblue makes the process.


This Mother’s Day (and every Mother’s day) makes me reflect on how I became a mom and how much joy my kids bring me. As stressful as being a mom can be my kids are my world and I enjoy watching them grow from the time I find out I’m pregnant, through their childhood, and I can’t wait to see how they turn out as adults and see them have kids.

Denver Housewife Ultrasound Pic
Denver Housewife Pregnant

My 3 babies

Clearblue is celebrating Mother’s Day with this touching video montage showing the joy families, especially moms, experience when finding out they’re pregnant and sharing it with the ones they love. This video made me tear up, talk about prego hormones! But it made me think of the times I found out I was expecting, sharing the news with the ones I love, and the joy it brought everyone.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mamas out there. How did you share the news with your families that you were expecting? Tell me below!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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