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Pledging to Make Life #BetterForBaby

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This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I received product free of charge, but all opinions are 100% mine.

Pampers Logo

I recently learned about how Pampers is unveiling its “Hush Little Baby Lullaby” campaign – a program that recognizes how babies have the ability to bring out the best in all of us and that is why we should do our part to make life better for them. Babies may be little, but they have this extraordinary power to bring out the best in us and in turn, change the world for the better and since babies bring out the best in all of us, we should all pledge to make life better for baby. Form as soon as I found out I was pregnant with each of my kids I knew I wanted to give them the best life I could. So to make life better for my babies I made sure to stay healthy while pregnant and go to all my dr’s appointments, take my vitamins, and limit the “bad” things I put into my body. Once they were here my goal is to make sure they’re happy. To teach them how to be good people, educate them, play with them, and most of all let them know they’re loved. I think it’s safe to say that all parents want what’s best for baby and try their hardest to give it to their kids, I know we do.

As the brand who supports the happy, healthy development of babies for more than 50 years, Pampers is committed to doing their small part to making life #BetterForBaby through their core brand commitments including: 1) protecting premature babies, 2) helping families in need through product donations, 3) preventing maternal and neonatal tetanus and 4) reducing their environmental impact. In fact, at the launch of this program they are making a significant donation to each of our charity partners (Graham’s Foundation, UNICEF and Feeding America) in recognition of their valued partnership in helping Pampers support the happy, healthy development of babies. Pampers is committed to doing their small part. For example, they donate millions of diapers each year to families in need through Feeding America, have partnered with UNICEF to help eliminate maternal and newborn tetanus in 15 countries, and they support premature babies and their families with special Pampers preemie diapers and other resources via Graham’s Foundation.

Join us for a Pampers #BetterForBaby Twitter Party on Wednesday, July 8th from 9-10pm EST as we discuss how to make like #BetterForBaby!

RSVP here: – (The party info has not yet been added, but will be live before you post.)

Prizing includes:

  • Prize 1: Magic Bullet Baby Bullet Baby Care System ($60), Pampers/wipes
  • Prize 2: PUR Baby White Vertical Faucet Mount and Filter ($25), Replacement Filters ($20), Pampers/wipes
  • Prize 3: $100 TOMS GC (a great company that gives back), Pampers/wipes
  • RSVP: Pampers/wipes

Apple Watch/#BetterForBaby Contest Details:

The Double Duty Divas will be launching a contest starting on June 24th where anyone (even bloggers) can tweet a #BetterForBaby pledge during the campaign using #Better4Baby and #B4BDivas along with a link to the video to enter to win an Apple Watch worth $750! We will choose one random winner so be sure and let your readers know! Contest starts June 24th and ends July 15th.

Visit Pampers YouTube and Facebook page to watch the Hush Little Baby video and celebrate how babies bring out the best in all of us. To find out more information on Pampers commitments to helpinging make life #BetterForBaby, visit


Pampers was nice enough to offer one fabulous reader the chance to win their own Pampers prize pack which will include: (to enter fill out the rafflecopter form below)

  • Pampers Swaddlers and Wipes ($15)
  • Magic Bullet Baby Bullet Baby Care System ($60) – To make your own baby food
  • Spring Floral Scarf ($20) – From a company that gives percentage of proceeds to build orphanages in India
  • NALGENE Reusable BPA Free water bottle ($7)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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