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Tips for Surviving a Fussy Baby!

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Tips for Survivng a Fussy Baby

When I found out we were expecting baby number 4 I was excited, but I was also scared. How was I going to manage 4 kids with 2 of them still being small (5 & 1)? What am I going to do if this baby is just as fussy as our son was? There were lots of thoughts going through my head and I was a huge ball of excited, but scared all rolled into one. Our son was super fussy and it made the first couple of months really hard. I could barely put him down long enough to pee alone so it made cooking, cleaning, and spending time with our other kids difficult. There were lots of tears, lots of wondering “what is wrong with my baby”, and lots of “I never want kids again!” And let’s not get started on the sleep deprivation, but we made it out and he turned into a happy, healthy, crazy little guy.

Little Remedies Advanced Colic Relief

Our newest little one is 7 weeks old now and while she’s not as fussy as her bigger brother, she’s still a fussy little one. Since she’s my 4th baby I have a bit of experience in the fussy baby department with our son was a huge teaching tool in that department. Along the way I’ve picked up a few tricks and found some products that really make dealing with a fussy baby easier! So here are my tips for surviving a fussy baby with one of them being a great NEW product available at Target, Little Remedies® Advanced Colic Relief Drops:

1.Swaddling – Swaddling is an amazing thing and so helpful during the first several weeks. Babies are all snug, warm, and comfy while they’re in you and now that they’re out they have a lot more freedom. Swaddling them helps to keep them warm and snug like when they’re in you. There are a few ways to swaddle your baby, and your nurse in the hospital can show you how to get a good wrap, but at the end of the day a swaddled baby is a happy baby!

Swaddling Baby
2. A swing – A swing has been a lifesaver with all of my kids and generally helps when they’re super fussy and fighting sleep. I strap them in, turn it on, and let it do it’s swinging magic. I’ve also found that an auto-rocking baby sleeper is a great thing as well.

3. Little Remedies® Advanced Colic Relief Drops – I’ve used several Little Remedies® products over the years and they’ve all been very helpful in whatever ailment my kid is facing and they’re great products. When I found out about the Little Remedies® Advanced Colic Relief Drops I picked some up to have on hand. The Little Remedies® Advanced Colic Relief Drops are a dietary supplement that contain no artificial flavors, colors, dyes or alcohol. They’re made from a Chamomile herbal blend shown to reduce crying by 60%*. I also have some Little Remedies® Gas Drops on hand as a safe and gentle way to relieve stomach discomfort which our little lady gets a lot of.

Little Remedies Advanced Colic Relief Drops
I can quickly pick up my Little Remedies® products in the Target baby aisle when I’m picking up other odds and ends like wipes, baby wash, and baby lotion. You can tweet @LittleRemedies or post on their Facebook page using the hashtag #LittleRescue and Little Remedies® will respond to you with tips and advice from pediatricians and nutrition experts with tips for soothing your little one, as well as special offers and premium product samples. For moms like me in need of some extra relief, they’ll also send a real ­life rescue team to the homes of a few lucky moms to deliver forms of relief, including Little Remedies® Gas Relief Drops, Gripe Water and NEW Advanced Colic Relief Drops. Plus, Target has some special promotions going on for Little Remedies® products:
  • Target Cartwheel Offer
    • Offer: Advanced Colic Relief Drops – 20% Off
    • Deal begins 9/13 and runs through 10/17
    • Product is available in the BABY AISLE
  • Target Gift Card Offer
    • Buy 2 products and get a $5 Target Gift Card
    • Products: Gripe Water and Gas Drops
    • Deal begins 9/27 and runs through 10/17
    • Products are available in the DIGESTIVE AISLE

Little Remedies
Little Remedies for Babies
4. A white noise machine or app – Babies love white noise. When they were inside you it was a very noisy place for them. Listening to you breath, your heart beat, breathing, talking, ect. Now that they’re outside it can be too quiet and that’s where white noise comes into play. It can help give them the noise that they’re use to, which can be calming for them. Plus the white noise helps to drown out house noises which could interrupt babies sleep.

5. Speak to your Dr – I always bring up any issues to our Dr, big or small to see if he has a suggestion on how to help it and a fussy baby is one of them. There could be more to your babies fussiness like acid reflux or a BM or formula allergy or it could be nothing, but it never hurts to ask your little ones Dr to help figure it out.

Did you have a fussy baby? How did you survive? Share our trips and tips below!

*This statement has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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