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A Toddler’s Day with Playskool’s Sesame Street Play All Day Elmo Toy

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A special thanks to Socialstars and Playskool for sponsoring this post and allowing us to play and learn with Play All Day Elmo! #PLAYSKOOLCREW


I’ve shared with y’all recently about the Playskool’s Sesame Street Play All Day Elmo Toy and how Elmo is a great gift for the toddler in your life and how my own toddler loves playing with Elmo, so I thought I would share with you a day in the life of our toddler and how he spends his day with Playskool’s Sesame Street Play All Day Elmo Toy. I always love reading posts about how people spend their day whether it’s on social media or a blog post because it gives me ideas on things I can do with my own day or with my family. So here it is, A Day in the Life of a 2 year old with Elmo by his side!

7:30 am – Wake up from a full nights sleep and watch cartoons until I’m ready to roll out of bed.

8:30 am –  Breakfast. Today it’s bacon, banana, cheese, waffles, and milk.

9:15 am – Playtime! We flip Elmo into toddler mode where Elmo giggles over me poking him in the face. I read Elmo books, drag him around the house, and we watch cartoons together.

Elmo nap

11:00 am – It’s nap time! Elmo and I take our daily nap and Elmo sings me a lullaby to help me fall a sleep.

1:00 pm – I’m up from nap time and it’s time for lunch. Since it’s raining we’re heading somewhere with an indoor park where I can eat and play!

Elmo eat

1:30 pm – It’s time for slides and I’m dragging Elmo a long for the ride.

Elmo slide

3:00 pm – Now that we’re home it’s time for more play time and now Elmo is in preschool mode where we can play games like red light green light, freeze dance, and patty cake. Elmo watches me color and giggles anytime I poke his nose!

5:30 pm – It’s dinner time and mom made broccoli, Yuck!

6:30 pm – Bath time, too bad Elmo can’t come with me. Instead he sits by the tub and watches.

7:00 pm – Mom says it’s time to relax. It’s time to snuggle with Elmo and watch a movie before bed.

8:00 pm – Bed time. Elmo is so soft and snuggly. With a squeeze of his nose he’s playing soft music for me again, to help me fall a sleep.

8:15 pm – Zzzzzz

Lunch with Elmo


Elmo is perfect for toddlers ages 18 months – 3 years old and provides a variety of fun games, songs, and companionship for little ones throughout the day.

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