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Improving Sleep Within the Modern Family

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Sleep isn’t purely an individual issue; it is also a family issue. Partners affect each other’s sleep and parents influence their children’s sleep lives and vice versa. For the sake of family health, there should have goals in place for their sleep. These goals will support better wellbeing for the family in daily life. When everyone in the household gets what they need there are benefits to be had for all. Happiness and energy will be far more abundant. The research on sleep deprivation, especially at younger ages, is certainly motivating.

Families in this modern era face many issues that might challenge a healthy sleep. Schedules, obligations, and technology disrupt routines. Regularity is essential for both sufficient and quality sleep. Children’s sleep needs evolve over time, as do the issues and challenges. In the beginning, it is often about establishing healthy sleep behaviors – falling asleep alone and sleeping through the night. As they grow up it’s about stopping the lure of night-time activities, such as electronic devices, which can pull children away from the ability to fall asleep easily. The light emitted from such electronics are known to interfere with a good night’s rest as it tricks the body into believing it is still daytime. As such, it is fundamental for their health that they take a break before sleeping, otherwise, they will struggle to rest through the night.

Many parents also know that children sometimes have an aversion to their beds themselves and they refuse to sleep in them, which may also be problematic. The environment for children should be safe and appealing – certainly not to feel like a punishment. Be sure to consider light levels, whether darkness will help send your children off to sleep, or if a small light will help them feel safe. Furthermore, be sure they are sleeping on the most comfortable mattress. Children are inclined to move about and fidget during their sleep, meaning that an accommodating mattress can make a huge difference to their rest.

Sleep is essential for our overall health throughout our lives, childhood calls for the highest quality of sleep because it is paramount for development. Infants and young children sleep so much because they are undergoing crucial neurological and physiological development. New-borns need to sleep for roughly two-thirds of the day, although they are always likely to wake up. Babies need to sleep for roughly half the day this continues into the teenage years where it drops down to around ten hours and adults need between seven and nine hours a night.

Despite the high demands of a child’s sleep schedule, parents shouldn’t feel guilty about making their own sleep a priority because they will find themselves to be infinitely more patient and energetic as a result. Practicing healthy sleep routines will provide a model for children to emulate, it will help them see how essential sleep is. There are a few things that parents can do to instill this in their children. Keeping a regular sleep schedule with consistent bed and wake up times (even on weekends) this will quickly become the norm and the children will get used to it and even become sleepy almost on cue. Expend energy throughout the day – however, not too close to bedtime you don’t want to stimulate them at that time – this is likely to promote a deeper sleep when they do go to bed. The bedroom should be cool, dark and clean; not to mention free of electronics and digital devices. By prioritizing regularity and the right environment, a healthier rest within the family will become a natural routine. 

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