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COVID-19 Time Capsule Journal for Kids

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Keeping a Journal during the COVID-19 quarantine can be therapeutic, it can be fun for kids, and it’s a great way to keep memories of this time. I know a lot of people say that once this is over they never want to think about it again, but the reality is that we’ll live with these memories for the rest of our lives. This will be our version of a “great depression” story that our grandparents have and it’s important to talk about how we’re feeling during this time. If you’re looking for ways for adults to keep a journal during this time check out my post about How to Keep a COVID-19 Quarantine Journal.

COVID-19 Time Capsule Journal for Kids Long Creations
Images courtesy of Long Creations. Posted with permission.

It can be hard for kids to understand what is going on and express their feelings. This is a scary time for many, but thanks to fellow mom Natalie Long and her “My 2020 COVID-19 Time Capsule” journal for kids our children can have an easier and fun way to express their feelings. Once it’s done you can place the time capsule journal into a memory book and it’s something they’ll have for when they’re older.

My 2020 COVID-19 Time Capsule Journal

You can get Long Creations “My 2020 COVID-19 Time Capsule” journal via a FREE Printable download on Long Creations Facebook page.

The COVID-19 Time Capsule journal covers topics like:

  1. History Page – Kids can draw a picture of what their future will look like, share a news clipping, pictures from their day, or write a journal entry.
  2. All About Me
  3. How I’m Feeling
  4. My Community
  5. What I am doing to keep busy
  6. My Handprints
  7. Special Occasions
  8. Letter to Myself
  9. Interview your Parents
  10. Letter from Your Parents
My COVID 19 Time Capsule Journal for Kids

Head on over to Natalie’s Facebook page Long Creations and get your own free copy of her My 2020 COVID-19 Time Capsule for kids. While you’re there make sure to give her a big THANK YOU for putting this awesome printable together. If you’re looking for ways to support Natalie she has an Etsy Shop where you can purchase digital printables from her.

I reached out to Natalie personally and asked for permission to share her printable with you all and she happily agreed. Natalie wants as many kids as possible to enjoy her printable.

My COVID 19 Time Capsule Journal for Kids

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