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Tips on Getting a Good Night’s Sleep! #WorldSleepDay

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This post is brought to you by Philips Healthcare for #WorldSleepDay!

I’ve always been a great sleeper and once my head hit the pillow I would be out within a few minutes for the night, but as I’m getting older I find my sleep is not as great. Throw 2 young kids into the mix and you have what’s beginning to be a problem. I’ve been blessed with toddler who sleeps through the night until about 9am and a baby who sleeps through the night, since birth. These should make for one well rested mama, but every night I lay in bed to go to sleep and toss and turn for a while and once I do fall asleep I wake up many times throughout the night to check on the baby. I’m hoping that as the baby gets older my mommy instincts will relax a little, so I can get a full night of sleep without waking up.

sleep like a babyI wish I could sleep like him. He sleeps for the whole night at least 7-8 hours a night.

Getting a good nights sleep is very important to good health, and sleep-related respiratory disturbances and loss of quality of sleep can lead to numerous health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Failure to obtain quality sleep may lead to poor alertness, lack of attention, reduced concentration, and decreased work and academic productivity. It can also increase the risk for an irregular heartbeat, worsen heart failure and increase the chance of having work related or driving accidents.

World Sleep Day is March 14th and to help raise awareness on the importance of healthy sleep, Philips Healthcare has launched their Sleep Powers Initiative for 2014. In honor of the World Association of Sleep Medicine’s World Sleep Day, which encourages a “Restful Sleep, Easy Breathing, and Healthy Body,” Philips has created a sleep quiz to score a person’s quality of sleep based on their answers to simple sleeping habits and health questions..

How is your nightly sleep? Take the Quiz to see where you rank on the sleep scale…

sleep quiz

I scored mostly B’s, which isn’t too bad! I also checked out these handy tips and am going to try them out and see if they help me sleep any better through the night.

sleep tips #WorldSleepDay

Globally, it is estimated that 100 million people suffer from OSA*, with an overwhelming 80% of them remaining undiagnosed. OSA symptoms include:

  • Loud, disruptive snoring; gasping or choking during sleep
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Morning headaches; memory or learning problems
  • Feeling irritable and not being able to concentrate on your work
  • Mood swings or personality changes; perhaps feeling depressed
  • Dry throat when you wake up and frequent urination at night

Check out the OSA assesment for further information!

Do you have issues at night getting any sleep? Take the Quiz above and try out some of the tips to help you get a better night’s sleep!

WIN IT! Philips Health is giving away a $50 Visa Gift Card. To enter fill out the rafflecopter form below.

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