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Tips on Getting Summer Legs! #SummerizeYourLegs

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Can you guys believe summer is almost here? In Colorado it already feels like summer since it’s been so hot lately. Since our pool is officially open we’ve started spending lots of time there and we plan on spending a lot of our summer by the pool to cool off and hang out with friends. Summer is all about cute dresses, capri pants, shorts, and swimsuits. I just love summer clothes, but what I don’t love is when my legs aren’t summer ready. Hairy legs, razor burn, and dry legs just aren’t my thing so there’s a few things I do to get my summer legs in tip top shape.


Since I do almost all of our shopping at Walmart I also pick up my Schick Quattro for women, Hawaiian Tropic SPF lotion, and shaving cream there as well. They’re an essential part to getting those summer legs and feeling confident all summer long. The other day we were heading to the pool and I realized I had forgotten to shave my legs so I did a quick dry shave. Trust me when I say, it was a bad idea. The razor burn I had was awful and my legs are painful and full of red bumps for the next day or 2. Never again will I skip over a proper shave…


My Tips on Getting Summer Legs:

1. Prepare – I always shave in a steamy shower and with a good shaving cream like the Skintimate Mandarin Burst. It helps protect against razor burn, moisturizes, and it smells so summery.

2. Shave – A quality razor is a must have for a good shave. Not so good ones or dull blades mean cuts and razor burn. I always replace my blade after a couple shaves to ensure it’s nice and sharp. A sharp blades also means you’ll get a better, closer shave for smooth legs.

3. Exfoliate – Colorado tends to get pretty dry so I like to use a body scrub once a week. My legs are the worst for getting dry, dead skin and the exfoliate helps get it all off. You can do an at home one or store bought.

4. Hydrate and Protect – Lotion and Sunscreen are two must haves in Colorado. Since it’s dry here and we’re a mile high in the sky we need both. The Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch Ultra Radiance SPF 30 is a great solution. I can moisturize my legs so they look good and also protect them so they don’t burn. Talk about a winning combination!

5. Pedicure – I know this isn’t your legs, but I’m always a fan of a good pedicure. A cute summery polish is such a great accent to some nice legs!


Get your legs ready for summer with lots of moisture, a quality razor and plenty of sun protection. Find shaving, moisturizing and beauty products at, Plus Enter to Win a “Summerize Prize Pack” and check out some tips provides you with 3 easy steps on how to Summerize your legs. Also be sure to check out the ad in All You for Prep, Shave, Protect – Launching 5/13.  It includes coupons to save you $ on Schick and Skintimate products.

What tips do you have to get your legs summer ready?

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