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Colorado Surrogacy – Helping Families to Grow Through Gestational Surrogacy

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This guest post is brought to you by Lindsay Jefferson who is a Marketing Specialist at Colorado Surrogacy ( She has her MBA and over 14 years experience in Marketing. Lindsay has 3 beautiful children and loves helping people grow their families through gestational surrogacy. 
Kim and Kanye Made The World A Better Place. Seriously.
Up until Kim Kardashian and Kanye West announced they were using a gestational surrogate for their third child due to Kim’s medical conditions, preeclampsia and placenta accreta, many (and by many… I’ll venture to say, most) people had no idea what a gestational surrogate was. And that’s okay. It’s not something I was super familiar with until I started working in the industry. But… and I never thought I’d say this… thanks to Kim and Kanye, a whole heck of a lot more people know what surrogacy is because that’s how they chose to grow their family this time around. Of course as with most things involving celebrities and the media, it’s inevitable that things got sensationalized, dramatized, and exaggerated, but regardless…it brought surrogacy to light, and for that, we are grateful.
How to be a surrogate in Colorado
For anyone who still may be in the dark, a gestational surrogate is woman who offers to carry someone’s baby for them. The eggs are harvested from the intended mother or egg donor, fertilized with sperm from the intended father or sperm donor, and transferred to the surrogate’s uterus. The gestational surrogate has no biological link to the baby. Essentially, the gestational surrogate acts as a really amazing babysitter for 9 months while she grows that baby so the intended parent(s), who otherwise wouldn’t be able to have a baby, can have a child of their own.
Because Kim was also very upfront with her feelings about her gestational surrogate, it brought a lot of awareness to how much the surrogate goes through for the intended parents in their journey to grow their family. Kim is quoted as saying, “I’m like really thankful. Like I’m seriously so grateful for her and that someone is just so like selfless and kind to do this.”
That’s like, seriously (we kid, Kim!) what we want people to know about gestational surrogates. They are kind. They are selfless. They are giving. They are willing to go above and beyond to
make someone else’s dreams come true. We are so grateful that we have been able to work with such amazing surrogates in Colorado. These are women who love being pregnant. These are women who want to contribute something extra to their family’s finances while making a difference in someone else’s life. These are women who are compassionate and have felt the immense joy and love you have when you hold your child for the very first time and would do anything to give that gift to someone else (even strangers). These are women who know 1 in 10 couples struggle with infertility and who know families are created through love and want to give two dads or two moms the opportunity to raise a child of their own. And that. Is. Amazing.
At Colorado Surrogacy, we are always looking for compassionate, giving individuals who have a passion for helping people. If you would like to help someone else experience the joy of holding their baby for the first time, contact us. We are local and focus on exclusively supporting Colorado gestational surrogates so we can be there with you every step of the journey.
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